Spookwood high griffin art work....

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season 3 chapter 16

It was the after noon when Griffin was in the game room in the boys dorm playing pool against Jack.

Jack wins as May comes in with a sketch book in her hand.

Griffin:"we have a art project due soon let's work on".

Griffin:"I forgot about thanks May for reminding me".

Griffin:"I'll catch you later".



Griffin and May went to her room to work on the project as we watch a a film in the process.

When we fell a sleep as we woke up 2 hours as May gave a key to Isabella for when she was listening to music.

Isabella saw them on the bed as griffin woke up then nocked May on to the bed waking her up as she saw.

May:"What time is it".

Isabella:"I came over to help on our art project and saw you two a sleep hugged each other.

They both went red in the face as May saw the time it had been two hours that they had fallen a sleep for.

As they worked on the project they needed three drawing for the project as Isabella finished hers.

Isabella:"May can I do some drawing in your sketch book".


As she did three drawing of May in different outfits two of them was her as a witch and the third was her as an elf.

As she did three drawing of May in different outfits two of them was her as a witch and the third was her as an elf

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Then they finished as they decided to finish for tonight

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Then they finished as they decided to finish for tonight.

Griffin went home to the dorm then May told Isabella she was going to wash up and go to bed.

Isabella:"i'l see you and Griffin tomorrow goodbye".


Isabella saw on the way home sue us taken May sketch book.

Isabella:"i'l take it tomorrow".

Then she saw the drawings as she thought to her self I could add color to them.

As she added color to them then went to bed she woke up got ready and went to meet May and Griffin.

But before she went she dropped by to May room then put her Sketchbook back as she went to class.

They turned there art project in May asked where her sketchbook was.

Isabella:"I forgot that I had your sketchbook on the way home and dropped it off before school".

May:"Thanks Isabella".

Then May was sat on the benches as Griffin came by with a drink for her.

She opens the sketchbook as she saw the drawing she was shocked and showed griffin that she done then and color them in.

They hugged as they sat there with their drinks drinking away being happy that Isabella makes there there day.

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