Spookwood high Jack's crazy ex

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Season 3 chapter 13

As the sun came we thought to ourselves it was the next day Isabella was still feeling like it was her fault for what happened to Jack.

She went to the hospital wing as someone was there it was a girl cat ears.

The mystery cat girl:"hey doctor is he ok".

Isabella:"I'm not a doctor".

Isabella:"I'm seeing my boyfriend".

Cat girl:"Your jack's girlfriend".

Cat girl:"I'm Jack's girlfriend so I don't think".

Isabella:"I'm his girlfriend".

Cat girl:"well you being lied to".

As a doctor walks in she tell them both he is resting you need to leave.

They both leave as Isabella goes to the boys dorm everyone is there then the cat girl follows Isabella she does not know.

Isabella comes in as the others see the cat girl they saw who it was Isabella turned around as she saw it was the cat girl.

Isabella:"who are you and want do you".

Griffin:"Ava what do you want".

Ava:"I want my Jack back".

Ava:"we'll see you around". As she leave the dorms

Griffin:"Isabella meet Ava Jack's crazy".

Isabella:"why is she here".

Griffin:"Isabella you don't understand she is the same as Chad your crazy but instead you it's Jack".

Isabella goes to her dorm room as she goes to sleep when in the morning she wakes up then she saw the hospital wing is open to visitors she goes to see jack.

When she saw Ava kissing his as he wakes up pushing her off.

He sees Ava he his not happy to see her after what happened last time.

Jack:"Ava we broke up go away or just leave me alone".

Ava:"I'm your girlfriend".

Jack:"no I'm not Isabella is".

She ran off crying as Isabella wanted a hug then he kissed her.

Jack:"please don't be angry".

Isabella:"griffin explained about her".

Then the doctor said "that you can leave but you must take it easy".

We got ready as we left the medical wing we went to the dorm as everyone where.

Everyone else:"Jack welcome back". As everyone hugged him.

Jack:"thanks for telling Isabella about my ex".

Griffin:"my pleasure".

Isabella:"we had a test to study for".

Jack:"can I study with you".

Isabella:"let's go to my dorm room".

As we go to the girls dorm room he went into Isabella's room.

Isabella saw something on her desk it was a gift basket.

It was a gift it was some cupcakes from rose she had made cupcakes and gave me some.

Jack are one then Isabella was ate one as she called rose about the cupcakes.

Isabella:"Rose thanks for the cupcakes".

Rose:"what cupcakes".

Isabella:"the ones you left on desk in my room as she felt tied".

Isabella:"I'll call you back".

As she hung then passed out as Jack was out cold as she heard a voice.

Jack:"isabella wake up".

She opens her eyes as she saw she was tied up she was hanging from the ceiling as Jack was the same tied up in front of her they where tied together.

Ava came in she said:"I am leaving you here".

She left locking the door on her way out then Jack tied to get out.

Jack:"this can't be happening".

Jack;"Ava did this tied me up with rose and Lilly".

Jack:"i had just became friend with Lilly when she did this to us".

Jack:"Griffin freed us then we never talked about this I broke up with her she moved away then we came her and Halloween came we you know".

Griffin:"has anyone heard from jack and Isabella as rose told the others about the cupcakes.

As Ava came in the dorm griffin sa edge was smiling she told the ofthers.

Ava:"history repeats itself you know".

As she left then griffin thought to himself "what does she mean history repeats itself oh no".

Griffin:"guys what happens last time when Jack became friends with you".

Everyone knew what happens as Zack walked in to the dorm.

Griffin:"Zack Isabella in trouble come on i'l catch you".

Isabella:"do you still like your ex not as love but as friend if she does not tie me up again".

Isabella face looked sad a little then Jack said with a smile.

Jack:"isabella I love you and I would not want to date my ex as he kissed her wiping the tears of her face as she said I love you too kissing him.

So Jack's ex tied you guys up and left you that's dark as they rushed to Isabella's room knocking the door they shouted out for help Griffin picks the lock with his claw they saw them tied up then Zack slashes the rope as they fall and Jack puts his arms around Isabella making her fall into his arms then he lays her on the bed as then helps take the rope down and clean her room.

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