Spookwood high "the foreign exchange students"

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Season 3 chapter 12

We where all in the medical room when someone else came in it was another student.

They had been attacked by the beast that roamed the spookwood high park area that they had in the middle of the school.

We got to class when the teacher told everybody about things that where happening in the coming weeks.

Teacher:"now to my last thing to say our school has started a foreign exchange program and three students have came for this program and I would like for you to give warm welcome to Alice,tayer and Rex" as we clapped they sat down in the empty seats in our class room as we started learning a new part in a subject.

When class was over it was lunchtime the foreign exchange went outside as we where outside .

We went to talk to the the foreign exchange students when Chad came up to one the girls as he tipped a bucket of water as it splashed over the foreign exchange students as a well isabella.

Chad:"my prank went perfect".

Isabella:"what the hell is your problem".

Chad left going over to where his friend are as Tayer started crying.

Isabella hugged her then the other foreign exchange asked who it was she explained it was her ex she broke up with him because he was using me to impress his friend.

Alice:"Isabella do you have someone else".

Isabella:"I do but he's in the medical wing".


Isabella:"he was attacked by the beast".

The foreign exchange where confused we explained that there is a beast that killed someone and it put my boyfriend Jack in the medical wing.

The foreign exchange where shocked but also curious to wonder why he is doing it.

Rex:"This would be great for our novel that we are writing it could be an interesting part of the story".

Isabella:"your writing a novel that cool".

Alice:"it's about someone who gets animal powers and more people get them ye helps start a group to make sure they survive and not be killed by the group that hunts them".

Isabella:"That sounds me amazing".

Then it started to get dark the foreign exchange students asked where the dorms.

Isabella:"Alice,Tayer I'll show you the dorms".

Rose and Lilly:"mind if we come along we wanted to drop off stuff to our dorm rooms".

We showed the foreign exchange students where there dorms rooms are.

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