Spookwood high the beast revealed part 2

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Season 3 chapter 20 part 2

They arrived at that big house they went to 2 years ago and first fell in love Jack and Isabella.

As they got in and sat down as the lights went off then they came in as as someone came in he was slashed up from claws.

Griffin:"guy's tye beast is here as more people came in then saw the body as the doors locked every started trying the doors.

As our group stuck together as the lights went off then a scream came out from someone.

The lights came on someone was dead people everyone was screaming people where running for there livers.

Then someone kicked the door that where locked breaking the doors open.

Everybody made a run for it but some people thought it was a prank.

As they came over to our group but they had a worried look on there faces.

Then soon realized that it was not a prank as everybody was scared.

Then they made a run for it as they found the secret door and went into that hallway as we went to it they locked it behind them.

Then the beast came up to them as everyone was scared.

Then the beast ran off screaming in the distance as one of the people who locked us out of the secret rooms came running towards as the beast grabbed him, killing him with his sharp claw.

Mysterious voice:"Stop this at once".

As everyone turn to see who it was who said that as they saw

Jack's father and another woman next to him as Isabella know who it was.



As Griffin's dad, May's mother and Evie's mother

The beast:"so it is true after all these years the mystery spook high club have returned".

Everyone was shocked as the beast could talk as a human but it is not human for killing Evie and whoever else.

Jack's father:"so it is true the same night you killed my friend Nash and my best friend Ava 20 years ago ghost night of the famous ghost killer".

Jack's father:"who is dead because everyone thought he was the killer of the murders that happened 20 years ago".

The beast:"you fool you still haven't figured it out and yet".

Jack:"what are you talking about".

The beast:"you are still oblivious to who I am".

Jack's father:"go on then tell me who you are".

The beast:"this house it belonged to the school it still does exist it was apart of the school but a fire broke out the beast escaped but in the chaos your friend was trapped inside and then it blew.

Jack's father:"how did you know that".

The beast fell to the ground as he transformed into a crouched person then they came up slowly saying.

Nash:"you don't recognise me Gordon".

Jack's father:"saw him as he as he slowly backed up with shocked and mixed of emotions".

The beast face was badly burned as he had a scar down his eye.

Isabella's mother was shocked he thought he died a hero but he rotted with wither in his heart.

Nash:"well it's been to long my plan is about to start as he threw something a fire started all the doors were blocked as Gordon kicked one open.

The beast charged at Gordon as he defeated keeping the beast at bay.

Everybody ran as Jack wanted to help But Isabella and her mother said it not worth it.

Then he pushed back from the beast as the door was about to fall as he pushed Isabella's mother put the way.

Then the room they were in was sealed as he a force came though the wall.

Nash:"you fool get off me noooo".

Gordon:"your a fool i may have let you get away last time but not this time it's time to end this once and for all".

As we make it out the building then the police show up.

As the officers take Nash away from them arresting him as an old detective liken guy comes up.

Gordon:"oh hey borris been some time hadn't it".

Borris:"I can final put this to rest at so many years".

Isabella:"hey mother I would like for to me my boyfriend as she points at Jack's son.

Griffin father and May mother see what is happening.

Isabella's mother:"Gordon it's happened again".

Gordon:"what are you talking about".

Isabella's mother:" our children are dating, it's like reliving high school".

Everyone was confused but Gordon,Isabella's mother,griffin father and May's mother.

Griffin's father:"Isabella your mum dated Jack's father in high school that's why she is saying it's like reliving high school and I dated May's mother in high school".

Griffin and May:"how did you know".

Griffin's father:"you too this is like reliving high school all over again".

Griffin:"anyway what's the mystery spook high club".

Gordon explains about how they met one detention and made a group that they investigated mysteries and help solve the mysteries killer 20 year ago or so we thought.

Griffin:"guys let's go get something eat I know just the place".


Griffin:"forgot the same place we ate food for for like all of high school.

Leaving the safely of the police from the fire and going to get something to eat for another day to go not so unexpected

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