Spookwood high Griffin feelings for May

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Chapter 15 season 3

As the sun came up there was a nock as Isabella woke up she opened it was Griffin.

Isabella:"I have a crush on May help me".

Isabella:"maybe you can ask her if she
Wants to watch a movie".

Griffin:"ask if she wants to watch the sunset".

Isabella:"that's supper cute".

Griffin I could bring some food and we could watch the sun set as well".

Isabella:"you should that with Jack".

It was lunchtime when griffin went to May she was sketching the building Griffin help her point out things that she could add to her drawing.

Then she went off to her other friend who wanted to study with her.

Jack saw Griffin nervous as he explained that he had crush on May and want going to ask her on a date.

Jack:"that's great good for you".

Griffin:"Jack you given me an idea you could ask Isabella to watch the sunset".

Jack:"why didn't I think of that".

May and her friend came in as Griffin went up to her she saw him then they both got
Ready to speak.

May:"griffin I need to talk you later".

Griffin I was going to suggest the same thing we're talk later goodbye.

Jack told Jasper and Zack they had an idea as they made cookies
For them putting them
In a box for Griffin and May.

Then later on Griffin called May as he told her to meet him
On the roof.

She made her way to the roof as she said what are we doing here.

Griffin:"well do you want to watch the sunset with me tonight".

May:"sure I was going to say it will be a beautiful sunset tonight".

Griffin found the tub of cookies and bite that said good luck from Zack and Jasper.

Griffin:"do you want a cookie".

May:"sure thanks you".

She ate one they where amazing she thought to her self.

Griffin:"May can I ask you something".

May:"griffin I know what your going to say you".

May:"her eyes teared up I like you Two but I could never tell you".

Griffin grabs May's gently warm hand kissing her as the sunset started Jack
And Isabella came out as they saw Griffin and May kissing.

Jack,Isabella saw Griffin and May kiss each other they where over the moon.

As they came out to see the sunset griffin offered them a cookie as Isabella tried them.

They where a amazing she was wondering who made them.

Griffin gave her the note she saw who made them.

Isabella:"oh laughing thinking of funny things".

Then they watch the sunset go down as they went in.

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