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It had been 3 months since Thorn had been chosen as the Sandwing Queen and by this point everyone has settled into their new lives for the most part at least. Clay currently lives with his siblings who had all been promoted into the best areas of the swamp as Queen Moorhen and her siblings castle guards. At first Reed didn't know if he liked it but after talking with everyone even Clay they decided to take it. He kept in touch with his friends and learned all he could to stay in touch with Peril even convincing Sunny to let him have the DreamVisitor. Sunny currently lived at the Sandwing Stronghold which had been completely remodeled and rebuilt by the Outclaws and now the Sandwing stronghold was the Sandwing palace overlooking the Scorpionville which is what Thorn decided to call the Sandwing village she and the outclaws ruled. The Scorpion den may be her true home but it wasn't apparently Queenly enough for most of her citizens to take her seriously. Starflight, Fatespeaker, and Glory currently had their claws full of chaos and confusion as they were still struggling with handling the combining of Night and Rain wing tribes into one fruitful and cohesive unit. Glory had deemed most of the Nightwings innocent of some charges but Starflight dad and sister were under arrest still. He and Fatespeaker did visit them though and Starflight could hear it in his dads voice that he really wanted to be forgiven and make amends which is why he thought Glory may give him a chance to prove it soon. Tsunami however was probably the only one annoyed with having a normal life because she was being overwhelmed with learning all the Seawing junk and Aquatic she could by her mother Queen Coral, her stupid uncle Shark, and on occasion her beloved sister Anemone. Tsunami occasionally had flashbacks to the Summer Palace and the Squid for brains teacher she had there and then reminded herself he'd gotten what he deserved, she also still had nightmares about killing her father which she had mentioned to her mother and after a week of her rage Coral finally said she forgave Tsunami.

What none of them knew though was that mysterious forces were at work in the world as nobody ever wondered where the flying rocks had landed after being viewed on the false brightest night 3 months ago or if they'd do any damage. That wasn't the case for one lonely hybrid though. He'd heard rumors and legends of the ultimate dragon and was going to find out if it was true.

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