Chapter 7

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They had been planning how they would start with figuring this out. "I think we need to go and explore the unexplored areas of Phyrria, like the Sandpool Desert of the Sand Kingdom, the Forgotten Wastes of the Mud Kingdom, all of them." Said Fatespeaker. "Actually, that's not a half bad idea." Said Glory. "Wait what's the Sandpool Desert?" Asked Sunny. "It's an area I refuse to let ANY of you go to because it is the heart of Dragonbite Viper territory, not to mention the cursed Sand Whirlpool that has claimed dozens of dragons lives." Snarled Thorn. "With all due respect Queen Thorn, while we are not fully aware of the risks, we need to do this and if our destiny is to we will find our way there whether you like it or not." Said Starflight. Thorn hated it but he had a point. "Ugh fine, but you must swear that at the first sign of trouble you will escape quickly." She said as she looked at them. "We make no promises." Said Tsunami as she earned herself a wing to the gut from Sunny. "We will mom, I promise." Said Sunny as she hugged her mother as they all then began to head out. Thorn watched them leave as she decided to send word to all the queens about this little turn of events. It would help them with tracking down the unknown uncharted areas and maybe get them some extra assistance elsewhere.

As they flew off towards the Sandpool Desert, Glory noticed something or rather someone following and so she spun around and came face to face with what appeared to be a crossbreed of a Ice and Seawing. "Who are you!" Snarled Glory only for Tsunami and Clay to come to her side. "Woah, Woah, Woah, easy, I came here to seek your alls help." Said the hybrid. "How can we help?" Asked Sunny. "Better question is who are you!" Said Tsunami. "Oh right my bad, my name is IceBerg I am the son of an Icewing named Frost and a Seawing who goes by the name of Tidalwave." He said calmly. "Tidalwave, that's the name of one of my brothers." Said Tsunami as she registered this meaning he's her nephew but he looked about their age which made it creepy. "Really, oh wow, I didn't expect that." He said smiling as he looked at his aunt. "Alright so what is it you want help with kid?" Asked Deathbringer. "Oh right, eh hem, this item led me to you as it believes one of you is capable of helping me track down a powerful dragon, the true queen of Phyrria." He said smiling as he pulled out a weird looking contraption that looked like a magnet type thing. This took a while for them all to process. "The true queen of Phyrria, don't you mean the true queens as in one queen per tribe?" Asked Glory. "No, I found a legend that there was a time when every tribe was ruled by a single queen but over the years she was lonely and so her seven daughter who each only inherited one of her tribal abilities and features took over for her and with the loss of her throne she became stone, I wish to free her so she can rule again." Said Iceberg.

"Uhm we are not in the mood for another throne debacle, we literally just ended a Sandwing Throne War." Said Clay. "But that's why I want this, because if all tribes are ruled under one single claw then there will be no wars, there won't be any need for new challengers, it'll be a utopian peace." He said smiling. "What do you guys think?" Asked Clay. "I believe the pipsqueak believes that he's doing the right thing, but I highly doubt any of the current queens would bow down to some ancient allwing or whatever she'd call herself." Said Glory. She knew she definitely wouldn't. "Oh, but wouldn't it be amazing?" Asked Iceberg. "Yeah it sounds cool, but listen, if we revived her and nobody pledged their loyalty to her then it would literally be a war against her and in the end we don't need another war terrorizing our continent." Said Clay. "Why don't you go back home, I mean I know the Icewings aren't fond of hybrids but if you tell your grandmother who you are I'm sure she'd let you live in the Sea Kingdom along with all your uncles and your two other aunts." Said Tsunami as she placed a paw on his shoulder. "N-no, I'm freeing her, besides I'm not the only one, all the hybrids of Phyrria want this, we all want her free, and I thought maybe just maybe you'd want to help." He said but now that he saw they wouldn't he sped away.

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