Chapter 4

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Clay watched as Peril flew closer before finally landing on the ground and her eyes widened as she stood there frozen. "C C Clay." She said after a few minutes. "No I'm dreaming I must be you visit my dreams all the time so I must be dreaming." She said to herself. "Nope, sorry Peril, I really am here." Said Clay and before he could even register it Peril engulfed him in a hug. Clay winced a bit as her fire did hurt but it was worth it to actually hug her. "Clay I ... I thought I'd never get to actually see you again." She said smiling as she pulled back. "Yeah, I know our dream visits aren't exactly the best experience most of the time cause of your nightmares but I'm glad we are here together at this moment." He said smiling. Peril smiled and was about to say something when they heard groaning. "Seaweed and Seaslugs Clay who are you talking to!" Snapped Tsunami as she came out of the cave. This made Peril hiss a little. 'Where did that come from?' Thought Peril.

"What is this one doing here?" Asked Peril. "Tsunami and I are going to find the other prophecy dragonets so that we can settle this weird and disturbing thing I found out by a Nightwing Ghost." Said Clay. "Wait, tall, creepy, sorta dead in his eyes?" She asked as she shivered. "Oh by the three moons, this must involve you as well." Muttered Tsunami. "I'll go ahead and tell Glory, Starflight, and Fatespeaker to meet you both near the Sandwing Palace." Said Tsunami as she lifted off and flew away. Clay was gonna object but he honestly was slightly glad she had left before she and Peril began fighting verbally. Once she was gone Clay asked if the mysterious Nightwing said or showed anything to her that she may think was important. "Now as far as I can remember, I mean I'm pretty sure I think he said something about crossbreeds in a way that makes me think he has something against dragons that are of more than one tribe but I don't get why he'd say it to me seeing as I'm pure Skywing ... unless no I'm definitely pure Skywing." She said as she ignored that hint of suspicion she'd had.

After talking for a while Clay told her she needed to come with him to Thorns palace so he could tell her and the others what he'd been informed of because it was a little disturbing and he didn't want to say it more than once. Peril was clearly worried about this but she agreed and together they began flying to the palace of the new Sandwing Queen, both of them were complaining unaware of the fact that a pair of eyes were watching them from the shadows. "Why would this thing bring me to a Mudwing and a Skywing, they are clearly not what I'm looking for." Said the voice as whoever it was slunk off into the forest behind them.

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