Chapter 15

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After hearing this Tsunami found it seriously suspicious. "Well I found this ring in the hallway in my brothers corridor of the palace." She said handing him the ring she'd found. He saw it and took it as he put it on. "Thanks niece." He said calmly though Tsunami could see that there was hints of nerves on his face. As she followed them to this gorge she noticed the fish population was growing scarcer and scarcer the closer they got and by the time they finally reached the gorge Tsunami couldn't see a single sign of life as far as she could see. "Why is this area so barren, it's giving me the creeps." Said Tsunami. Both Coral and Shark sighed and held a claw to their lips as they motioned her to quietly go to the surface. Soon all of them were above the ocean. "Quiet, once we dive back down there can't be any talking because the smallest light will awaken what lives down there." Said Shark. "Uh and what exactly does live down there?" Asked Tsunsmi. "Monsters, or the closest things we Seawings have ever seen to monsters, giant sea beasts large and strong enough to kill a small group of dragons on their own." Said Coral. "Great, of course I have to handle these stupid creatures." Said Tsunami. After that they all dove back down and officially began their aquatic silence as to not wake the beasts.

As they swam down into the gorge Tsunami had to stick close to her mother and to Shark as it was getting extremely dark almost to the point she couldn't see even with her darkness vision that all Seawings had not to mention she could hear the unsettling sounds of what she could only assume were these monsters sleeping and she for one didn't want to wake one up. Soon though Tsunami felt her claws touch sand and she knew they'd reached the bottom of the gorge where there was so little light she had to stay between Shark and Coral just so she didn't get lost. After moving for what felt like another 35 minutes in the darkness all three emerged into an air filled cave that seemed to have a tunnel leading somewhere. "Alright Tsunami, we can use our marks to light the way but you must make sure you keep it at a dim level." Whispered Coral to which Tsunami began doing immediately as she lit on the scales on her face and even then made sure they were dim enough she could see her mom and uncle and a little bit of the surrounding area. "Where are we?" She whispered to them. "An ancient tomb." Said Coral as she began leading the way

Tsunami followed close behind while Shark stayed by the entrance which Tsunami assumed was to make sure the creatures didn't wake up. 'Why was I questioning his loyalty, surely he'd have woken up those creatures in a heartbeat and fled leaving us to them.' Thought Tsunami as her suspicions of her uncle were fading. Lost in her own thoughts though Tsunami didn't realize her mother had stopped walking until she bumped into her wing. "What's up mom?" Asked Tsuanmi. "Tsunami, I'd like you to meet your great ancestor, the first Queen of the Seawings, her name was Amphitrite, as well as the very first Seawing Animus." Said Coral. Tsunami looked shocked as it appeared that the body wasn't decomposing or rotting away which only helped her to notice the strange blue jewel embedded in the left horn. "May I take that, I think it's what I needed to find." Said Tsunami. "I guess it will be alright." Said Coral as she watched her daughter go up and break the jewel out of the horn only for Tsunami to see it looked like a carved Seawing. 'Weird.' She thought to herself.

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