Chapter 10

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"No Peril, you can't risk yourself like that." Said Clay worriedly. She ignited her flamescales and looked at him. "They won't be able to touch me Clay, and even if they do manage to bite me my bodies inner fire would destroy the venom before it does any damage to me." She said soothingly. "I can't believe I'm saying this but it makes sense Clay, if you or I go we'd be bitten within seconds and only you could be healed, but if she goes they'll recoil away from her heat and maybe leave whatever is down there, and once she says it's all clear we can go down as well." Said Glory. "I guess but I don't like the idea of you putting yourself in danger like this." Said Clay. "And I appreciate that you care so much about me Clay, but I have to do this." Said Peril as she dive bombed the whirlpool of sand heading straight for the center. Clay and Glory watched this happen and as she made contact with the center she vanished under the sand. Glory had to make sure Clay didn't charge in out of worry as she knew he would cause if there was a nest he wouldn't be able to survive long enough to be healed like he had been last time.

Peril looked around seeing it was pitch black wherever she was. She closed her eyes and listened and she knew for a fact that there were hundreds of vipers down here with her. She also smelled some kind of oil based thing and shot fire at it causing it to ignite in a flurry of flames which revealed through an oil river until the entire chamber was illuminated by fire. "What is this place?" She asked herself as she now could see the vipers hissing at her. She also noticed some looked much larger than normal but they were asleep or petrified. "Hopefully I don't wake them." She said as she began exploring. She knew she had to get rid of these vipers but it wouldn't hurt to just look around a little would it. As she walked around she found nothing that sparked her into thinking it was of dragon significance but if dragons hadn't made this place why was there an enchanted sand whirlpool hiding it. She knew there had to be something but she'd need help to find it so she began harnessing her energy and released a massive burst of fire at the snakes scaring many of them out the hole through the stairway while also killing a bunch of them. Once she was positive the place was free of all Dragonbite Vipers she poked her head out of the illusion and called Clay and Glory down.

Clay and Glory landed next to her once they were sure she wasn't active flame scaled anymore. "What is this place?" Asked Glory as she examined the place. "No idea, but I think it was Scavenger made and Dragonly enchanted once scavengers abandoned it." Said Peril as she shrugged. They began examining. "If that is the case then it means there's more hidden areas in this dumb cavern." Said Clay. "That ... actually makes dumb sense." Said Peril. They began examining the walls for anything suspicious when Peril tripped on a stone and she landed through a wall. She groaned waking up and when she saw what she was on she screamed bursting out of the cave and shooting back into the sky. Clay confusedly and worriedly went after her while Glory went to check what she'd seen. "What could freak Peril out so badly that she'd scream and burst out of here like Ocra in a shark factory." Said Glory confusedly.

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