Chapter 1

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Clay was currently on a mission with his siblings they had been charged with finding a group of Serial Killer Dragons who had attempted to kill Queen Moorhens entire sib group. Reed had been injured in the chaos of the attempt and was being treated by the Mudwing healers and as such Clay was in charge of leading his siblings against them. When they did attempt Clay recognized the noticeable features of at least 2 Icewings and one Skywing. That brought him back course thinking of either of those tribes let alone them both sorta always sent his mind back to the Skywing Arena where he'd nearly died at the claws of Fjord the Icewing prisoner who'd been killed by Glory and her secret death spit venom. As Clay was lost in thought he felt someone or something jabbing at his side causing him to snap out of it.

"Hey bro, you alright, you've been distant for the past twenty five minutes." Said his little sister Sora. "Yeah uh sorry about that, I've just been thinking about why these guys would target our Queen after we literally just finished with that war after all, Moorhen and her siblings have no children as far as I'm aware." Said Clay. "You have a point it would simply cause another war but this time over who claims the Mudwing throne." Said Umber. "Actually I've been reading up on our kingdoms by laws and well I sorta figured out something, on the off chance a queen has no daughters by the time she is killed the throne goes to the eldest female of the sib group of the Royal Castle Guards." Said Pheasant. This news was really shocking to the group of siblings cause that would mean that if they had failed to save Moorhen and her siblings from these dragons then not only would this be put forth but with their new promotion they would become the new rulers with Pheasant as their queen.

It was then Clay finally realized where they were going, these killers weren't as random as they'd thought, they'd been hired by none other than their most hated enemy Queen Scarlet, but why would she go after Moorhen, could she have heard about their promotion and wanted revenge on her for allowing a prophecy dragonet in the royal halls after her incident. "Clay, we have to report this." Whispered Umber. "I know but we promised the Queen we'd return with their heads, what I don't get is why she sent them after the Queen in the first place." Said Clay as they began sneaking around. Clay gone at my didn't like the idea of killing these dragons but if they were killers for hire then they were more dangerous than anyone of the Sandwing sisters or at least that's how he was getting himself to be okay with this.

As the group of dragons got closer Sora accidentally stepped on a twig causing a loud snap which sent the group of dragons on high alert. "YOU WERE FOLLOWED!" Roared Scarlet as she shot into the air whipping her tail at them so they could take a dive for her. Clay silently cursed their luck but took his chance as he lunged forward grabbing the Skywing by their neck and pinning them to the ground. Umber and Pheasant did the same for the Icewing on the left while Sora and Marsh dealt with the last one. After a good while of this they had the Dragons unconscious and began dragging them back to the Mudwing Palace where they would most likely end up dead if not eternally imprisoned for attempted murder of the Mudwing Queen and her family.

Once they arrived at the palace Queen Moorhen and her sibling group were already waiting as they prepared to take the dragons who'd attempted this. "Good job royal guards, as a reward I will let each of you pick a piece of jewelry from the royal treasury and keep it." Said Moorhen as her eldest brother sibling took them there. Sora found a matching set of Diamond horn bands and had Pheasant help put them on her horns after she had grabbed a necklace that was snug around her neck like a tight but comfortable hug, Umber found himself a cool bracelet with these weird black shiny stones, Marsh grabbed himself a bracelet as well but this one adorned with rubies. "Reed will be allowed something when he wakes right?" Asked Sora to which she got a nod

Far off in the back nobody noticed as Clay found a amulet that sparkled and radiated with a mysterious but cool aura he picked it up and examined it in his claws, it had a neat dragon shape and the eyes looked as if they were expertly made he smiled sliding it on feeling a strange shiver run through him but he ignored it and chalked it up as a chill from the cold winter air that was flowing in.

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