Chapter 2

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As Clay and his siblings left the royal treasury they began heading to the healing area to check on Reed and inform him that he was welcome to pick some jewelry or something from there for himself if he wanted but when they arrived they saw a mysterious shadowy figure looming over him. "Hey back away from my brother!" Yelled Sora as she lunged at the figure only for herself to fly right through whoever or whatever it was and crash into the wall. "SORA!!" Yelled Umber and Marsh as they ran over. The figure turned to Clay revealing it was a Nightwing but was it a spirit or just a projection of one and why was it so massive as if it were thousands of years old or something. The figure stared at Clay for a moment before it's eyes went into a crystal white state as if it were seeing something beyond the mortal plane and it then began to speak in a bone shivering noise.

For Wings of blue, part a traitor hidden in the crowd.
Wings of shades bring a dragon who chooses their fate
For wings of mud drift long and wide for those who see good where all see dark
Nightly wings shall rise but none shall see as they help with fate
For wings of light search for one who knows about the secrets accursed
A traitor in the depths unknown to all has struck one down for a royal price
A new evil has risen more deadly than the last with abilities never before seen.
Two shall die and one shall struggle unless the one of burning rage faces her past and earns the flames of ice.

After this was said and done the figure looked at the group of Mudwings before vanishing in a blinding flash. Clay was trying to process all of this, who the heck was that, what was with that prophecy if that's what it was, and if so why hadn't Glory warned them of this Prophetic Nightwing and did they have Mind Reading as well he wondered. All his siblings were looking at him even Reed. "You are leaving aren't you." Said Sora sadly. "I am afraid I have to sis, my friends need to know about this, if I don't warn them then something bad could be coming for us all even you and I'd never accept that." Said Clay. They nodded and began to say their goodbyes only for him to say he would be back and then they could be together once again. That somehow comforted them all as they hugged him and said bye. Clay began to look out into the world as he decided he would find Tsunami first.

As Clay approached the ocean he began to wonder how in the world he'd get down to the Deep Palace in order to talk to them or even say something to someone then have someone fetch her for him. As he pondered this stuff he didn't pay attention to his surroundings so when a large Seawing pummeled into him and pinned him he was easily taken down. "Who are you Mudwing, and why are you here." Said the Male Seawing who had him pinned. "My name is Clay." He says as he felt as if he recognized that voice. After a bit of mental processing the Seawing let him up, Clay whirled around quickly coming face to face with Tsunami's jerk of an uncle Shark. "Oh it's you, well I guess you'll do for my message I guess, I need to speak with Princess Tsunami, it is kinda a serious matter that is for her ears only." Said Clay. Shark eyed him up and down. "Fine but I cannot guarantee she will be free at the moment she's been catching up on all the Seawing stuff she was missing." He said before lunging into the water.

Clay was stuck there processing that. "All the Seawing stuff she was missing it has been 3 months how much more could there possibly be to learn about being a Seawing." He said to himself not actually expecting anyone to answer. He turned back to the ocean as 5 figures burst out of the ocean. "Uh I thought I said it was for her ears only." Said Clay. "I'm sorry Clay, my mother still has a few trust issues, as you can see by the stupid harness I'm being forced to where." Griped Tsunami. Clay could see thousands of bite and claw marks on the one she was attached to meaning she didn't do this without a fight like he'd expect. "Sorry but when a creepy ghost dragon appears in the sleep chambers eyeing you specifically young lady I'm going to take precautions." Said Queen Coral as she tugged on the harness trying making her come closer but she refused. "Wait ghost dragon, was he a black Nightwing with soulless black eyes?" Asked Clay. "Uh yeah, did you send him?" The Queen snarled. "No, but he visited me and my siblings after we saved Queen Moodhen from a Scarlet assassination attempt." Said Clay as he'd wait to inform Tsunami of the prophecy.

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