Chapter 21

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"Oh uh, sure I mean what can I do for you?" Asked Addax as he looked at her, Glory, and Turtle. "I need you to help us find a Icewing who can get in touch with Queen Glacier." Said Sunny. "Hmm, you'll probably wanna talk to one of her daughters then." He said as he led the way. They eventually found an Icewing who was talking with a Mudwing. "Hey Crystal, I have some friends who need your assistance." Called Addax. "Oh uh okay." She said as she walked over. "Sunny, Glory, Turtle, this is Princess Crystal of the Icewings and one of the most recent additions to the village." Said Addax as he left. They nodded and basically gave her a summarized version of what had been going on. "I see, well I do believe I know the location you need to go to, and luckily for you it should be semi compatible for you all, there's one cave on the cliff leading out to the ocean that is forbidden for anyone outside the royal family to go into, the one time I asked about it the answer I got was that it was a tomb for one of our greatest war queens ever but there was no name or mentioning of this war queen in any history lessons so I always found is suspicious." Said Crystal. "Sounds exactly like the others." Said Glory. "Others ... what others?" Asked Crystal. "We have found tombs for Sand, Rain, and Sea, wings right now, each one with a dead female dragon inside all in a forbidden area, I believe they are all linked somehow." Said Glory.

After hearing this Crystal became even more intrigued and so she told them she would lead the way to the cave but they'd have to take the long way around due to the great ice cliff and it's threat to them. Hearing this made Glory groan but if it was the only way then they had to and so they began flying out to sea. "So Glory, aren't you the new ruler of the Nightwings?" She asked smiling. "Yeah I am, and don't worry they will have no contact with you all that'll allow them to hurt you, I will keep them in the rainforest and under control." Said Glory. "Oh well thanks but I was simply gonna say isn't it a lot of work governing two tribes?" Asked Crystal. "Oh well yeah it is but if I didn't they'd be led by either a vindictive queen who I believe by now should be dead in a volcano or a princess who quite frankly is an air head." Said Glory. "So a battle hungry queen or a queen who's easily manipulated, yeah I think you're a much better choice." Said Crystal.

Due to them having a nice conversation while they talked it didn't take them long to arrive at the cave. "Alright so once we go in it'll feel pretty cold but at the same time extremely hot, I don't know why though." Said Crystal as she went in first followed by Sunny, and lastly Glory so that someone who could and would fight was on both ends. As they walked through the twisting tunnel they all were sweating a little but it was a cold sweat due to being both hot and cold at the same time. "Starflight would go crazy about studying this place." Said Sunny to which Glory agreed. They kept going until they found a huge Icewing queen frozen solid in the glacial wall wearing the jewel they were after. "Crystal, you see that jewel she's wearing, we need it, we've found once just like it on the other queens." Explained Glory. Crystal wasn't sure about it at first but in the end she carved it out and gave it to them. "I just hope nobody finds out I did this." Said Crystal as they quickly left before anything bad could happen.

(Hey to all my WoF fans as well as anyone who is just reading this for some new content. I need your help. I have a spark of an ending already planned but the problem is that in order to fully prepare it I need you all to vote for one of the six dragons on the Poll in my message board. The first dragon from the six to reach 10 will be who I use for my ending plan so please go and vote)

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