Chapter 18

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Rewind to the splitting up. Fatespeaker, Starflight, and Sunny watched Tsunami heading to the ocean while they decide to go to the rainforest. "Wait a second guys, I just realized something, won't we need Glory to find this forbidden Rainforest location?" Asked Fatespeaker. "Nope, because Glory hasn't been queen long enough, what we need is to talk to her grandmother." Said Starflight. They both nodded and flew to the rainforest having to make sure they avoided getting stuck by darts. Thankfully it wasn't as hard as they'd thought and so they easily got to the Rainwing Kingdom. "Alright now we need to find Deathbringer cause he'll be the easiest way for us to track down Grandeur." Said Starflight as they began flying to the palace. "This place sure has changed, it looks a little more open." Said Sunny. "That's because a few of the Rainwings and Nightwings have begun falling in love which leads to hybrid eggs and the need for sky holes for moonlight to penetrate and hit the eggs." Said Fatespeaker calmly even though she seemed annoyed. Once they landed at the palace the easily found Deathbringer because he was pacing around nervously before spotting them. "Where the heck is Glory!" He said frantically. "Dude chill out, Glory is perfectly capable of taking care of herself, besides she's with Peril and Clay right now." Said Sunny.

Deathbringer took a deep breath and tried to calm down. "Alright well what can I do for you guys?" He asked calmly. "We are looking for Grandeur because she is one of the only ones who could possibly know where the forbidden Rainwing area is." Said Starflight. "I see, well I can go grab her and I'll bring her here so just sit tight." Said Deathbringer as he left. The three waited patiently as Deathbringer fetched Glory's grandmother Grandeur. When they finally returned Grandeur looked at them with a look that said that she clearly wasn't happy about what she was being asked to spill. "You three are brave little souls for going along with this plan to invade the DarkBright." Said Grandeur as she explained the path to get them there as well as how they'd know when they actually got there. They nodded and thanked her as they followed her directions and began heading for the area of the rainforest that not even Rainwings wanted to visit.

It didn't take long to find the area because they knew they'd arrived when they saw hundreds of menacing looking plants as they also noticed there was no light anywhere. "Can't believe I'm about to say this but I wish Tsunami was here." Said Fatespeaker as she jumped away from a dragon eating plant. "Let's just keep going, once we are through here we should find the pit that Grandeur mention." Said Starflight. Fatespeaker made it clear she didn't like it but she agreed. "I'm with you TWOOO!" Said Sunny before she fell down a sudden drop causing Fatespeaker and Starflight to go to where she was only to fall in themselves. The three of them groaned as they found themselves in a jumbled mess and had to work to untangle themselves. "I think we found the tomb." Said Fatespeaker as she finally pulled out a glow pod and crushed it before throwing the juice in it around causing it to light up showing them they weren't just in a pit but a Rainwing embalming tomb which was full of 7 Rainwing queens which looked mummified. "I ... I'm gonna be sick." Said Sunny as she shot out of the cave. Starflight and Fatespeaker however kept searching as they soon found what they thought they were looking for as Fatespeaker pulled a small jewel that was shaped like a Rainwing. "Let's head back and show this to the others." Said Fatespeaker as they left the pit.

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