Chapter 5

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The figure walked into the forest as he pulled out a strangely prismatic scale from the bag that is hanging from him. "I thought this stupid scale was enchanted to find me something that could awaken the one true queen of Phyrria, what good is a fire proof Mudwing and a Firescale Skywing." He said to himself. "I mean if one of them were an Animus maybe but literally, the Skywings haven't had any in centuries and as far as I'm aware the Mudwings haven't for just as long." He said lashing his tail back and forth the spikes on his tail scratching the bark off the tree he was next to. He was annoyed and he decided he would follow these weird dragons and find out more about them before he actually made himself known. He then began to fly the way the were as he thought he'd heard something about Sandwing Palace.

Meanwhile Tsunami was just now finding the old tunnel they made thanks to Stonemovers last enchantment before he fossilized himself. She went into the Rainforest and began heading for the Palace or whatever the Rainwings called it. When the building finally came into view though Tsunami was shot in the neck with something and she began plummeting. Her last thoughts before she went unconscious were 'STUPID RAINWING SLEEP DARTS!!!'

Three hours later Tsunami began waking up groaning as she looked around however she wasn't in the Rainwing kingdom, in fact it didn't look like she was in the Rainforest at all anymore. She looked around but saw no signs of light or anything she just saw darkness and all she felt was stones. "Heh, we'll this is certainly new, nobodies ever been able to redirect my telepathic abilities before, you are something special Seawing." Said a deep and gruff voice. Tsunami turned to look at the large dragon and she almost doubled over on her own talons as he was so much taller than any dragon she'd ever seen. "Who are you!" She snarled. "Heh, wow even the Seawings don't know me anymore, guess I'll have to start somewhere I guess." He said as he didn't answer it. "That isn't an answer for my question, damn Nightwings always so pompous and annoying, fine if you won't tell me who you are then where am I!" She snarled. "Heh impatient as I'd expected, chill dragonet, if you'd chill and give me a chance I'd have answered you, you are in my mind scape because somehow when trying to reach you to inform you like I've done your friends my ability rebounded and instead of me in your mind you came to my mind." He said calmly.

"Ugh, great, so ONE Nightwing still has his stupid powers." She groaned. "Actually two but I won't go into that." He mumbled to himself. "Anyway my name isn't of any importance as it won't mean anything to you but I can be of use in your journey if you'll let me." He offered. "Uh no, I don't need or want some Ancient Nightwing in my mind or vise versa so release whatever is on me and let me wake up naturally!" She snarled. "Ugh fine." Said the dragon as he waved his claw allowing her to wake up in the Royal Queen's chamber in the Rainwing kingdom. "Good, you're finally awake." Said a male voice. She shot her head to the sound and saw her three friends standing there. "Oh hey guys, first we need to go meet Clay and Peril at Thorns palace, and second point me at whatever dung beetle shot me with a sleep dart." She said aggressively.

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