Chapter 13

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Tsunami watched as her brother shot for the border and if she didn't feel like seeing the rest of her family she'd probably follow him. She began heading to the B-Wing where all her brothers were housed when she was basically tackled by a small blue dragonet. "Ow, oh hey Lapis, what is going on?" Asked Tsunami as she pried her little sister off of her chest. "Hey Tsunami, I was just looking for my pet, he got out of my room." She said calmly. "Oh really, your sea turtle got out of your room, well let's go find him, wait didn't you enchant him to come back after saying a code word?" Asked Tsunami. "Well I did, but you see I may have forgotten my code word, I wrote it down but the scroll was destroyed in the old Summer Palace." She said chuckling as they began swimming to find her fish. While they swam the two of them talked about what they'd done while the other wasn't around for the past few days. "So you enchanted yourself to make any harness mom tries to put on you turn to dust, nice, wish I could do that, especially after what happened that led to me getting harnessed." She said annoyed about that fact.

As they were searching they swam by the armory where Tsunami thought she heard someone talking. She told Lapis to swim on ahead and listened in on the conversation. "Look I told you, I got this, I will handle the queen." Said the first voice which sounded like a males. "Alright but won't having that arrogant bull headed princess back around complicate things, I mean our allies already failed once." Said a feminine voice. 'Failed once, they couldn't mean the attempts on my life could they.' Thought Tsunami. "Yeah I'll admit that those plans failed big time but Coral wouldn't let her out of her sight after the reef collapse incident." Said the male again. 'Oh they're definitely referring to that!' Roared her brain as she remembered being trapped under all of that coral when her brothers found her, had they not she probably would've been there still. "Look I heard tomorrow they are going to MegaRazor Drop tomorrow, once there we fill finally out our plan into motion." Said the female. "Alright but bring Hammerhead, Goblin, and GreatWhite, you'll need them if your going to pull anything off." Said the male. Tsunami grew tired of eavesdropping and so she tried to open the door to see a face when the her sister squealed from having probably found her pet. "Huh someone's there!" Said the female and they both dove down through what appeared to be a secret tunnel in the wall.

"Damnit!" Roared Tsunami but instead of going to her sister she looked around for anything that could tip her off to who those two were. After a while of searching she didn't find anything until her claw scraped against something tiny. She pulled her paw back and looked down seeing a royal heirloom only worn by the males of the family meaning whoever was just conspiring against her mother and her wasn't just some random traitor they were a Royal Seawing Traitor. "But who in my family would want to get rid of me and my mother, I mean I guess I can't rule out all of my brothers because I haven't even met them all yet or gotten to know all the ones I have met completely so I could've been duped by them, and then there's Shark but he's always been loyal to my mom." Said Tsunami as she really needed to think about this. "Tsunami look I found ... him, uh sis what're you doing in here?" Asked Lapis. "Nothing sis, I just thought I heard something and wasn't sure if it was your pet or not." She said lying to her baby sister. 'Whoever's after me and mom will come after you Lapis, and I won't let that happen.' She thought as she escorted her sister to her room.

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