Chapter 22

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As the gang split up Clay shot a longing look at Peril because he didn't want to be apart from her. "Be safe Peril, I'll finish up in my kingdom and then I'll come back and find you." He said to himself as he began flying back home towards the swamp. "At least I'll get to see my siblings again though if they do they'll have a much harder time letting me go again." He said calmly. That's when a both dangerous and risky idea came to his mind. "Didn't they tell me we've lost one of our siblings, well maybe I can revive her." He said as he grabbed his amulet. He decided he'd better test it out on something first though and so when he spotted a goat he flew down and slit its throat so it had died in the same fashion as Icicle had killed Crane. "I enchant this pendant to revive any creature it touches that has been killed by their throat being slit." Said Clay as he had found a regular locket. He then gently placed it against the goat and it immediately healed before running off. "No way, that ... that actually ... now all I need is to know where Crane is." Said Clay as he quickly flew to the Marsh. "Family first jewel second." He said to himself as he went to find his family.

As he arrived in the swamp he immediately began going to the castle where his brothers and sisters would be. Once he got there he gave the entry guards his royal code before going in finding his siblings at the feasting hall. "Hey guys." He called over smiling. "CLAY!!" Cheered Sora as she bound over hugging her brother. "Hey Sora he said hugging her back. "What brings you here so soon Clay, I thought you were on a mission." Said Reed as he walked over. "I am here to ask the Queen a question but I've discovered something about the amulet I got from the royal treasury." Said Clay. "Oh what's that?" Asked Marsh out of curiosity. "It contains extremely powerful animus magic, and I've used it to make this pendant revive the dead." He said showing it to them. "What are you hinting at Clay?" Asked Umber. "I want to use it to revive Crane, I made it so it'll only revive those who died in the way you told me she died." He said smiling. Sora was utterly speechless and she immediately began begging them to tell Clay where they placed Crane to rest, which they immediately did.

As soon as Clay knew this he asked one of them to accompany him as Crane didn't know who he was and as such she may lash out against him or think they're still in the war. Reed agreed to go with him as they began flying towards the Mudwing soldier burial site. "So every Mudwing who's ever died in a war, battle, or the like is buried in this one area, why?" Asked Clay. "Because the Quicksand Bog is the one place nobody would think to go, besides it prevents grave robbing except from Mudwings who swim through the stuff like water, and NO Mudwing would ever rob from the Mudwings who sacrificed themselves." Said Reed as they began tracking through the quicksand. Soon they got to the stone that marked where they'd laid Crane to rest. "I think it's best we move her out of the bog." Said Reed as they began lifting her out of the bog and moved her to the safety of the shore. Clay looked at Reed and saw he was beyond nervous as his wings began twitching as Clay began lowering the pendant to her body before it made contact and the slit in her throat was instantly healed as she shot up with a deep pain filled shriek of terror.

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