Chapter 8

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They all watched as Iceberg flew off. "I gotta go after him." Said Tsunami. "No, come on, this is literally what happened last time." Complained Glory. Everyone looked at her confusedly. "Ugh let me break it down for you, first we get side tracked cause lover boy over there had to save ms hothead along with the rest of us, then you left us in a cave while you were parading around with your mother and sister, then it was me and my ascension to the throne as well as rescuing my people and Starflight when they were imprisoned, then lastly Sunny got herself captured on multiple fronts, can't we just have a goal and stay together!" Roared Glory as if she'd been holding that in all this time. She took a few breaths. "Sorry I had to get that off my chest, but seriously I mean it, let him go, we don't need to be splitting up." Said Glory. "I'm sorry but if he is trying to do this I'd rather keep my nephew alive than let him die and not feel like he belongs." Said Tsunami as she went after him. "I'll go to." Said Sunny as she felt like she could connect to him being a hybrid and all. Fatespeaker and Starflight went as well mostly for research purposes leaving Glory, Clay, and Peril alone.

Tsunami looked at her three friends and smiled as they gave chase on her nephew Iceberg. "Damn, for a young one he sure is fast." Said Sunny. 'Or we're just slow.' Thought Tsunami. She knew her friends wouldn't let her do this alone but she had hoped they would cause they'd slow her down. They chased Iceberg all the way to the central mountain that no dragon has ever gone up. There was supposedly a legend or myth about it saying all who traverse up the mountain are doomed to never return the same way or at all. It was basically number one on the list of banned places that all the tribes in Pyrrhia agreed upon. But as they chased Iceberg they saw him run up the stairs heading for the top. "Iceberg, get back here!" Called Tsunami only for it to fall on deaf ears. "I swear if that sea snail gets himself killed I'll kill him." Snapped Tsunami as she flew after him. "How would that work?" Giggled Sunny as they flew after her.

Meanwhile back with Glory, Peril, and Clay. "And great, now we are half as strong as we used to be." Said Glory annoyedly. "I actually think we got the better end." Said Clay. Glory hissed at him for that. "Hey chill, I mean look we've got Queen of camouflage and super cool death spit and the champion of fire, I think we are better suited for an attack than they are." He explained. "I told you we are not calling my venom super cool death spit." Snapped Glory even though she knew he was joking around. "Alright so now that that's over, where do we go, Sunny was showing us the way to the forgotten part of the desert but now she's gone." Said Peril. "It's to the far southern border of Pyrrhia, we just fly south and we're bound to find it." Said Glory. "I guess that's true, but it sure would be nice if we had an map that said the quickest path to anywhere." Said Peril. "Yeah too bad we can't say I enchant this sand under my claw to become a map that will show us the fastest route to wherever we wanna go." Joked Clay. He and Peril laughed but Glory noticed when he said that the eyes of his dragon totem glowed and then all of a sudden the sand under his left foreleg began turning to paper revealing the fastest route and directions to the Sandpool Desert.

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