Chapter 4: Trolls

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A/N: A special treat this week end, two chapters. Also I have used several names involving the word shadow for my character. If I have used a name already in use for someone's OC I do not mean to copyright. Just comment which name is ours along with your story title that goes to the name of your OC. Allie's sword is above. It was forged in a dragons breath and she is the only one that can wield it.

Chapter four: Trolls

As we rode on through the fourth day of rain the rain slowly came to a stop. By late afternoon the sun was out drying the world and warming it back up. We rode till we came upon what looked like was once a farmhouse, but now it was in ruins. This place gave me an uneasy feeling. I could smell trolls. "We'll camp here for the night. Fili, Kili, look after the ponies, make sure you stay with them," Thorin said.

"Thorin I think it would be best to move on, trolls have been in these parts very recently," I said.

"We stay here for the night, go hunting Allie," Thorin said. I nodded and prepared to leave. Most would have argued the point further but I was a follower. I was a member of a wolf pack and that was my role, peacekeeper. I had left them in the woods of Rivendell. If I had been a leader at this point in time I may have challenged Thorin till he gave in and moved on. But as it was, he was the leader, not I so I gave in to his wishes.

"A farmer and his family used to live here," Gandalf said.

"Oin, Glóin get a fire going," Thorin said.

"I agree with Allie, it would be wise to move on. We could make for the Hidden Valley," Gandalf said.

"I have already told you...I will not go near that place," Thorin growled. I was standing next to my horse, Evenstar getting ready to go hunt.

"Why not? The elves could help us. We could get food, rest, advice," Gandalf argued.

"I do not need their advice," Thorin continued to growl. I shook my head and headed for the cover of the trees.

"We have a map that we cannot read. Lord Elrond could help us," I heard Gandalf insist. He was fighting a losing battle.

"Help?" Thorin snarled. "A dragon attacks Erebor? What help came from the elves? Orcs plunder Moria...desecrate our sacred halls. The elves looked on and did nothing. And you ask me to seek out the very people who betrayed my grandfather. Who betrayed my father." The conservation was getting quieter as I walked further away.

"You are neither of them and Allie was there when you fought to reclaim Moria. I did not give you that map and key for you to hold onto the past."

"I did not know that they were yours to keep," I heard Thorin snarl. Gandalf then walked away.

"Everything all right?" Bilbo asked looking up from stroking Balin's pony. "Gandalf where are you going?"

"To seek the company of the only one around here who's got any sense!" Gandalf said harshly.

"And who's that?" Bilbo asked"Myself Mr. Baggins! I've had enough Dwarves for one day." With that, I heard no more from the company as I had moved too far into the trees. Tonight it took me longer to find dinner. When I made it back to camp it was well after sunset, only an hour till nightfall. I came back with four rabbits.

"Took you long enough," Thorin spat at me when I came back.

"Hunting takes time Thorin. If you sit in wait the prey will come to you. Next time it takes that long I'll eat it all and let you go without," I growled. "Now excuse me, I believe Bombur could use these if we are to eat tonight." I walked around Thorin to go give the rabbits to Bombur.

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