Chapter 12: Going home

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A/N: The final part of the second movie! Please vote, comment. The third movie may take some time to write as I would like to base it off of the extended version, and I'm not sure where to get that script. I just edited this and I am tired so please forgive any mistakes! Enjoy!

Chapter 12: Going Home

Morning had come to Lake Town and all the dwarves save Bofur were on the dock, ready to leave. He had had too much to drink and was still asleep, unable to rouse him we left him. Today was Durin's day; we could not afford to wait. "You do know we're one short?" Bilbo asked Thorin. "Where's Bofur?"

Thorin was loading supplies into the boats that had been given to us. "If he's not here, we leave without him."

"We'll have to if we are to find the door before nightfall," Balin said.

"Do you remember what I said at the hobbit hole?" I asked. Everyone looked at me. "The dwarves are fond of using the moon to reveal their secrets."

Thorin went back to loading the boat. Kili then tried to get on the boat. "Not you," Thorin said blocking his nephew. Thorin looked every bit the king he was in his new clothing and armor. Everyone but me was wearing armor. I didn't need it I could make my skin as tough as a dragon's hide.

Kili smiled at him thinking he was joking. "What do you mean? I'm coming with you," Kili said slightly laughing.

Thorin, however, had a serious look on his face. "We must travel with speed, you will slow us down."

Kili still thought that he was joking and smiled, "I'm coming with you." By now Fili was looking at this exchange between his brother and uncle.

"No," Thorin stated leaving no room for argument. Fili moved closer from his spot in the boat. I would love to have Kili come, but help had to come to him if he was to survive the poison that was still in his blood. He would be in agony by the time night fell.

"I'm going to be there when that door is opened, when we first look upon the halls of our fathers, Thorin." Kili was pleading with his uncle.

Thorin put his hand on Kili's shoulder in an understanding manner. "No, Kili, stay here and rest. Join us when you are healed."

"Help will come to you Kili," I said. He looked at me.

"But Allie," Kili said.

"I know you want to see your forefathers' home as soon as we open that door and you can, through my eyes." I approached him as a confused look crossed his face. "When I relieved some of your pain I did that by forming a bond, called a soul bond. This will allow us to feel what the other is feeling and see what the other is seeing."

"Does that bond mean we're together?" Kili asked trying to process all of this.

"No, brother, it does not. It means we have a deeper connection than most can ever have and certainly deeper than can be imagined by others," I replied. He looked back at Thorin who only gave him a gentle smile.

Oin got out of the boat, "I'll stay with the lad, my duty lies with the wounded." I smiled at the elderly healer. Oin came over to examine Kili but he kept pulling away, leaning on me for support.

Fili turned to his uncle furious, "Uncle, we grew up on tales of the mountain. Tales you told us, you cannot take that away from him. I will carry him if I must. And you Allie!" he shouted at me, "HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT HIS DESCISION!?"

I was not fazed at all by his anger. He needed to yell at someone and I was a safe place to do that. "Help must come to him tonight Fili and the help will be here in Lake Town. Without it, despite my best efforts, he will die." Never before had I been so glad my father was not in power and the nine lay in the graves in Rhudaur, yet to be called to his service. Fili fell silent and looked down. "Do not fret Fili, it is not his time. Help will come, I promise."

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