Chapter 17 The Battle of the Five Armies

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A/N: All the following chapters are short but I'm done and after they're posted I'll work on editing and maybe at some point they'll be longer. :) One story down and dozen more to go.

Chapter 17: The Battle of the Five Armies

Men, elves, dwarves, goblins, and orcs were all fighting. It was complete chaos. Everything just blurred together. Everyone was screaming, people were scared and some were dying. The ground was becoming slick with blood and the bodies were so numerous you couldn't turn around without tripping on one. I ended up fighting next to Thranduil when his steed was killed. He was alone and completely surrounded.

A horn kept calling out; orders were being given from a tower on Raven Hill. I was glad I had sent my dragons to deal with the second army because we were already outnumbered and what numbers we had were quickly falling. I had to get up there and take out the leader. Without their leader, they would be lost and much easier to destroy. I made my way back to the mountain as Thorin came out.

"Allie!" Thorin called out. I ran up to him.

"We need to get to Raven Hill, take out their leader," I said transforming and bending low so he could get on. He hopped up without question and some of his best warriors followed us up to Raven Hill by stealing a cart from somewhere. They slid all over the ice of the frozen river but my wolf paws had some traction. Getting up the hill was a bloody mess and when we did arrive it seemed empty, quiet and still. Something wasn't right. "We need to leave," I said as Thorin slid off my back, not even waiting for me to lower myself to the ground.

Just then Bilbo appeared, "You have to leave, it's a trap. Bolg has set up a trap."

"Allie, find my nephews," Thorin said just as some orcs and goblins came up over the hill. "Go, we can take them. Get my nephews back to the mountain." I left leaving Bilbo, Thorin, and Dwalin to deal with the swarm that had just arrived. I easily found Kili but I couldn't find Fili. I knew this meant that what my Aunt had spoken of all those months ago was about to happen and I held Kili to me.

"Kili no matter what you see next just stay right here with me, I can save your brother, just trust me," I said as Bolg held Fili up by his throat and ran him through. I knew next he would go after Thorin but Thorin would also kill him. I had to help Fili first. Just as Fili was dropped the eagles and Beorn arrived. I hoped this would be over soon and that all my friends would have made it through this awful ordeal.

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