Chapter 15 I Will Have War

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A/N: Sorry for such a long wait. My head as been else where. I'm also sorry that this is shorter than my other chapters. I'll do my best to get another chapter out soon and I'm also working on editing this. I hope you enjoy this.

Chapter 15: I will have war

The next morning saw the mine and the mountain shored up and ready for war. Everyone was exhausted and I could see the elves of Mirkwood pouring into Dale with the survivors of Lake Town that had arrived the night before. "Do you really think it will come to war Allie?" Kili asked.

"Whether or not Thorin fights the men and the elves war is coming on another front. We must put aside our differences and unite with the elves and men to defeat what's coming."

"What is it that you believe is coming?" Thorin growled.

"Orcs, trolls, goblins, earth eaters, giant bats bred for war, wargs, do you want me to continue?" I asked annoyed with the dwarf who had completely lost his mind. He had stabbed me last night and then I had to calm his nephew, thankfully I couldn't be killed thanks to a curse my father placed on me. Then he had the nerve to try to use me as a slave like his forefathers instead of asking for my help.

"Go search for the Arkenstone," Thorin ordered.

"Ppptttt," I mumbled and remained where I was.

"Allie, you heard Thorin," Fili said looking back at me when I didn't join him and his brother.

"Thorin will find what he seeks when he finds himself and he isn't my king. I answer to no one. No one is my king or queen. All lost that right when I was banished and turned away. My job was to get you here, my job is done."

"You would leave us?" Kili asked.

"If I was leaving I would be long gone by now. I never miss a chance to take out some orc. Besides I said I would protect this company, that job isn't done; not with Thorin the way he is and war coming. Go do as he says, I'll keep watch." I sat out on the balcony for a few hours watching what was going on in Dale. Bard and Thranduil were having quite the chat. Thranduil and even brought food for the people of Lake Town but his motives were less than pure. I knew that much.

Soon enough I saw Bard riding towards us on a white horse. "We have company! Lay down your arms! It is a friend that comes to our door!" I called into the mine where Thorin had everyone looking for the Arkenstone. I heard them all running towards me and Thorin had a crossbow. "There is no need for that Thorin, lay down your arms," I said sternly.

He instead pointed his crossbow at me, "You, keep your tongue behind your teeth." I stuck my tongue out at him. "Bard, the Dragon Slayer. Why have you come to the mountain?"

"To seek fair settlement," Bard replied.

"I will not treat with anyone while an armed host lies at my door."

"The only thing keeping that armed host from attacking is us reaching an agreement. Will you not talk with me?" Thorin nodded and Bard dismounted from his horse and approached what was once the open gate. There was a small opening where two could talk to each other. Thorin however before going down sent word by raven to his cousin Dain in the Iron Hills. He was going to fight for the gold, not for the mountain, not for the fact that if the mountain fell into the hands of evil the rest of the world would fall too.

Thorin set Bard away with nothing. "Allie can you not convince him?"

"You know I would give you what you need Bard, but I have nothing to give you. Hell I would go find the gold at the bottom of the lake for you. I still have to protect these guys and I have nothing to give you to help you. I'm sorry Bard," I said looking down at my human friend. Bard left and I knew Thranduil would have his elves attack at dawn but I also knew something far worse was coming. "Tell Thranduil the war is coming from the North."

Thorin went crazy that night making sure the mountain was secure. Bilbo slipped out that night, he had shared his plan with me. I only hoped it worked or we would be fighting our allies. All I could see though was bloodshed. I didn't know if peace would come or not, I guess I would find out tomorrow.

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