Chapter 11: Lake Town edited

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A/N: This is unedited. I just wanted to get another part out. And it is quite long. The next one will be too and if anyone can tell me where I can find the script for the battle of the five armies extended edition i would be most thankful. I love the video above. Please watch!

Chapter 11: Lake Town

The dwarves were already onshore. I had fallen behind to fight Azog. I had placed Bilbo in my barrel then gone after Azog. He was now dead. I swam up to the shoreline as the dwarves were walking up the bank. I was in my wolf form and in my mouth was a head. "Allie!" Thorin called upon seeing me. I walked towards him on the rocky bank and stopped just in front of him. I lowered my head to the ground and dropped the head of the pale orc at his feet. "Azog, he's...he's dead?" Thorin asked looking up at me.

I transformed back to my two-legged form, "yes Thorin. He's dead and thank you for helping Legolas," I said whispering the last part. I then heard Kili cry out in pain as he fell. I ran over to him. "Kili?" I asked.

"I'm fine Allie," he said trying to hide the pain in his voice and failing.

"Haven't I told you? You're a terrible lair, now let me see." He moved his hand away from his wound. I sighed when I saw it. "You're going to need elfish medicine, and I don't have the skill to cure this, but I can buy you some more time," I said.

"Do want you need to Allie," Kili said. I picked him up and moved him to a rock to sit on. I crouched down beside him so I could see his wound.

"Fili, I'm going to need your help," I said calling his brother over.

"What do you need me to do Allie?" Fili asked. I could hear the worry in his voice.

"Hold his leg down, I need to pull out the arrowhead," I said. Fili pushed down on his brother's leg as I got ready to stick my hand into his injury.

"We must keep moving, hurry it along Allie," Thorin called.

"If you want your nephew to live long enough to seek treatment then you must let me do this now Thorin," I called back. I nodded to Fili and quickly stuck my fingers in the wound and pulled out the arrowhead. Kili let out a cry of pain as my fingers slid into the wound. "Rhaich!" I muttered upon seeing the arrowhead. (Curses!)

"What is it?" Kili asked, using my tone of voice to tell that this was not good. As I was getting ready to work the others discussed what to do. Bilbo suggested going around the lake as we had no way to cross it. Dwalin shot that idea down because the orcs would catch up and we had no weapons to defend ourselves with.

"You were hit by a morgul shaft. I was hoping that I was wrong. I cannot treat this kind of poison but I can buy you time by pulling the poison into my own body," I replied pulling some kings foil out of my pocket and placing it in my mouth. I began to chew on the weed, turning it into a paste.

"NO! You're not going to die for me!" Kili shouted.

"The poison has no effect on me Kili, it won't hurt me. And I am going to save your life whether you like it or not," I said pulling my knife out. I slit my wrist, almost cutting the arteries and veins.

"What are you doing?" Kili yelled at me. I ignored Kili and continued what I was doing. I held the inside of my wrist that was cut facing Kili's wound and started to chant something that probably sounded like rubbish but it was the tongue of a dragon. Dragons were very powerful creatures and right now they were Kili's only chance.

The poison flowed out of Kili's body and into mine. I kept going as I was losing strength for the healing process. This was why I couldn't heal this kind of wound, I was not strong enough nor did I have the training. I pushed myself; I wouldn't let my brother die, not again. I kept going until I had almost all the poison in my system and then pushed myself to draw out more. When I was finished I fell back on my butt from my crouched position. I took the paste out of my mouth and put it on Kili's wound.

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