Chapter 18 Saving My Friends

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Chapter 18: Saving my Friends

The battle felt like it had lasted days when it had lasted only hours. I was with my dragon Lakeisha healing Fili. He had been stabbed and I had to hold Kili back to keep him from meeting the same fate. Bolg had done this; I had to go to Thorin next. I knew Bolg had injured him too. "Allie come quickly!" I heard Bilbo call. Fili would come round soon enough.

"Give us a lift?" I asked Lakeisha. She nodded and Kili and I climbed on and she carried Fili in her claws. I jumped off her back and landed beside Thorin who was dying. "Thorin, I can save you but I need to bind your heart to mine. Will you share the heart of an elf?" I asked kneeling beside him.

"I couldn't think of someone better to share a heart with," Thorin replied and I started the spell in the tongue of the dragon. He wouldn't be my mate and I wouldn't die if he did and he wouldn't die if I did. It wasn't that kind of bond, it was like what I had formed with Kili. It only took minutes and he was fully recovered by the time I was done.

"Thank you, Allie," Thorin said.

"You're welcome Thorin now I need to explain to Fili what I had to do to save his life," I said getting up and moving off the frozen lake. This was no place for a dragon to land.

"What do you mean? You did what you did with me right?" Thorin asked following.

"Not exactly. Stand your men down; I'm going to call my dragon down here. She has your nephews with her. They are perfectly safe."

"Stand down, don't fire upon the white dragon!" Thorin ordered and I called her to me. Kili slid off her back and she set Fili on the ground.

"Fili," I said coming up to him.

"Allie, what happened?" he asked.

"You nearly died. I saved your life with the help of Lakeisha, my dragon."

"How?" he asked.

"Dragons hold the most ancient magic of all the worlds and therefore know the most ancient magic. She knew what magic needed to be done to save you, but now she can never fly far from you without your consent. She is the guard of Erebor. No other dragons can come here. Your home will be safe for as long as you live," I replied.

"So what now," Bilbo asked.

"Clean up. We bury the dead and burn the orcs. After that we can rebuild," I said as Bard, Legolas, and Thranduil came up to us.

The Arkenstone was returned and Legolas asked if I could take him North to where Strider was. The girl he had loved had fallen in love with someone else and he couldn't go home. I told him I would as long as he didn't mind flying and Thranduil wanted me to help him get the dead home. I agreed even though I knew I wouldn't be able to stay. I called one of male dragons to me and Legolas and I hopped on. We landed at the border, "This is as far as I can take you. I'm not allowed inside the borders. Just keep going north, follow the path and you'll find the camp. Tell Strider that I sent you. Good luck," I said taking off.

When I got back most of the elves had been loaded into a cart and all the dwarves were hard at work clearing up. I gathered the rest of the elves and hooked my horse up to the cart and rode to Mirkwood wishing it was the Greenwood of old. I wished it was still my home, the only place that I would call home. "Oh Allie, you're back already," Thranduil said coming up behind me on the trail.

"Of course, flying is so much faster. I brought them home as you asked."

"Thank you, you may go now," Thranduil said dismissively. I cut my horse free from the cart and galloped back to Erebor. There was plenty of work to be done.

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