Chapter 13: The Burning of Lake Town?

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A/N: I got the script for the third movie from this site:

No copyright intended! This story was written for my own enjoyment and I decided to share it! 

And I have stopped using the script named above. It was not very accurate. This is shorter than the other chapters recently posted. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 13: The Burning of Lake Town?

Smaug had left the mountain in a rage heading towards Lake Town. I was now flying after him, flames forming the shape of a dragon around me. I could only do this when around a dragon; it was how I fought them. Shouts and screams carried over the water, like voices on the wind. "Save the gold! Never mind the books!" I heard from the master of the town and screams of the people.

"Smaug!" I shouted. "Face me you coward!" I wanted him to turn his rage on me so I could lead him into the mountains and away from innocent people. He roared, ignoring me as he flew to the town.

"Shouldn't we try to save the town Sire?" Alfrid, the slimy sewer rat asked.

"The town is lost, save the gold," the master replied. I growled. Maybe I had their personalities switched and Alfrid was the drowned rat while the master was the slimy sewer rat. "Oh, why did I let those dwarves go into the mountain to disturb the furnace with wings? This couldn't have gone any worse!"

"Yeah, that was really, really stupid. Inexcusable, really. I mean, they're fucking dwarves, not dragon slayers. What were they gonna do, cover the dragon in molten gold?" Alfrid asked. I smirked, that's exactly what we did.

I flew closer to the town, "Bard where are you?" I called out.

"In the prison!" he thought answering me in the same way I had called out to him. He couldn't communicate the way I could use my mind, but I could read his thoughts.

"On my way," I replied.

"Heh, yeah. Or shoot it with heat jets from a massive forge? I mean, it's a dragon, it's immune to heat!" The master said.

"Yeah, I mean it's not like you can escape from a damn dragon. Especially not be rafting down a river superheated liquid metal by riding on a shield," Alfrid replied. I smirked; Thorin had done this as well. I tuned the two out as they bickered back and forth, blaming Bard. I landed outside the guardhouse, keeping the flaming dragon around me and entered. I found Bard just inside the door, he was yelling at the guards to let him go.

I ripped the cell door off its hinges, "let's go," I said. Bard and I left to go deal with the dragon. "I'll cover you from above; the arrow is in a boat under some cloth on the east side of town. Good luck," I said before taking to the air again.

As I took to the air I heard the master respond to something Alfrid said, "Yes, I can't think of one reason we'd want to release the finest archer in the town."

"Not one single reason because it's really his fault this is all happening. And the dwarves, and that elf that travels with them," Alfrid replied. The two continued to go back and forth as they steered their boat overladen with gold through the city, knocking the sides of the boat into the buildings and docks. Gold was falling over the sides with each knock and the master was chasing them trying to keep his precious gold from falling. I then heard a splash; the master had pushed Alfrid off the boat because Alfrid suggested lightening the load.

Alfrid called out to him but it did him no good, and he had no favorable standing with the people. The dragon was laughing and mocking the people in their choice of where to build their home. Bard started to fire arrows at him and they started an exchange that I didn't listen to. I was busy keeping the fire away from people's houses, but that didn't save the homes. Suddenly Bain appeared with the black arrow. "Da, I brought you the black arrow!" Bain cried.

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