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Two years had passed since that great battle and I spent most of my time looking at my former home. I helped rebuild sure, I attended meetings Thorin called me too, but when I wasn't doing that I was laying on the balcony railing looking at Mirkwood wishing I could go there, that I lived there. I couldn't stay here. "What's on your mind, Allie?" Thorin asked as I watched the sunset.

"Home, Thorin," I sighed.

"I know this isn't Mirkwood but I had hoped you would be happy here," Thorin said.

"Don't get me wrong Thorin, I'm glad you let me stay here and offered me a home here but all walls no matter how grand feel like a cage to me. There is only one place that I can truly call home. I'm sorry Thorin but I can't stay here and look at Mirkwood day after day. I'll come to visit often, but I just can't stay, I'm sorry," I said trying not to cry on him. The pain of looking out on where I could not go was just too much.

"I understand Allie. At least wait till morning so everyone can say goodbye to you." Thorin then walked away. He was most likely the only other person up at this hour. I hardly slept so I usually took the watch.

"Allie!" everyone called when dawn came around. "You can't leave Allie!" Kili said coming up to me and hugging me.

I hugged him back, "This isn't my home Kili and I can't stand to look out over what once was my home and know that I can never go back there. Put it like this how would you like to live in Dale but never be able to come to the mountain after living in the mountain?" I asked.

"Oh," all the dwarves said at once.

"I love you all like you're my brothers and that's what you have become and I will come and visit, I just can't stay here. I thank you for all that you've done for me but I must be going."

"Where will you go?" Dwalin asked.

"I don't really know, I'll see where my feet take me. When I stop for more than a few days I'll send a raven." All the dwarves hugged me and wished me well and then I was off to the next great adventure. Perhaps I would go to the Shire and see Bilbo.

The Sins of the Father: EreborWhere stories live. Discover now