Chapter 10: Barrels

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A/N: This is unedited so I  may come back and change a few things if I find any mistakes later.  The video is the song Allie sings. I changed a few things from the movie in this but it is a fanfic so deal with it. Enjoy!

Chapter 10: Barrels

We were all sitting in our cells in silence when food was shoved into the cells. I smelled it cautiously, checking it for anything suspicious. I grabbed the food and started eating it. Thorin and the other dwarves also dug in as water was brought to us. Elves usually weren't cruel to their prisoners, just to me. After we ate Kili called out to me, "hey Allie, could you sing?"

"Sure Kili," I replied. It took me a few moments to think of a song to sing. I didn't know very many songs and they weren't happy songs either. I knew of one song that may raise the dwarves' hopes. Right now this situation seemed hopeless.

"It's time to move out of the darkness

Use what you feel inside

Your faith alone will guide

Feel the turning tide

It's in your heart, it's in your soul

Don't be scared, keep believing

I know you know, deep inside

That your time has come

Once in every life time

If you do believe

Man can move a mountain

Change the course of history

How far we've come

So far from home

Trust in your path, you've been chosen

Become your destiny

Lead and they will follow you

Your truth will set you free
It's in your heart, it's in your soul

Don't be scared, keep believing

I know you know, deep inside

That your time has come

Once in every life time

If you do believe

Man can move a mountain

Change the course of history

How far we've come

So far from home

Trust in your path, you've been chosen

Become your destiny

Lead and they will follow you

Your truth will set you free
Once in every life time

If you do believe

Man can move a mountain

Change the course of history

How far we've come

So far from home

Trust in your path, you've been chosen

Become your destiny

Lead and they will follow you

Your truth will set you free."

Later that evening Kili was talking to the female elf that had fought some of the spiders away from him, but I had killed the one that was about to kill Kili and she wasn't going to give him a weapon. I saw Legolas watching them from above, he didn't seem thrilled that she was talking to a dwarf. I could see in Kili's eyes that he was in love. I hoped that they both could be happy together and that Thorin would accept them. True love was a hard thing to come by. I didn't think it was out there for me, why would someone like me get to love and be loved in return? Though there was something about the Elvin prince.

I didn't waste time thinking about it, he would never feel the same about me and his father would never allow for someone like me to be with his son. "Allie?" Thorin asked. I looked at him. I was in my wolf form and he was leaning against my side. "Do you have a plan?"

"Bilbo does," I said speaking directly to his mind. With that, I went to sleep. I figured I had better get some rest because I was going to have to kill Azog in the next 12 hours. And I would be fighting him in a raging river. Next, I would have to kill his son to try to save my friends, but form what I foresaw it was Thorin that was going to cause trouble.

Night had long since fallen we were still in the cells, I was the only one not concerned about it. Worrying wasn't going to change anything. "We're never going to reach the mountain are we?" Ori asked.

"Not stuck in here you're not," Bilbo said coming around the corner and jangling the keys slightly.

"Bilbo!" one of the dwarves said a little too loudly.

"Ssshh! There are guards nearby," Bilbo said trying to get everyone to be quiet. I took on my human form and followed Bilbo. He soon had every door to each cell unlocked. The dwarves started to go up the stairs, "no, this way!" Bilbo whisper shouted at us. We followed further into the castle going further underground.

As we reached the cellar Bofur asked, "What are you doing? You're supposed to be leading us out not further in."

"Trust me," Bilbo said. There were murmurs among the dwarves. "Get in the barrels," Bilbo said trying to get the dwarves to listen. They started arguing as I climbed into a barrel.

I heard Thorin speak up; "Do as he says." There was no more argument as they all climbed into the barrels. Bilbo counted us as we all got settled.

"What do we do now?" Bofur asked poking his head out of his barrel, the others following suit.

"Hold your breath," Bilbo replied walking over to a lever.

"Hold my breath?" Bofur asked confused but was cut off by the floor tilting downwards, sending us rolling down to the cold waters of the rushing river below. Thorin who was in the lead kept us from moving with the current as we awaited the hobbit's arrival. It wasn't two minutes before he fell into the water making a splash.

"Well done master Baggins," Thorin praised as Bilbo climbed onto the side of Nori's barrel. He waved off Thorin's praise knowing that at this moment it was more important to escape. Thorin let go of the rocks that formed the narrow stream we were sitting in releasing us into the rushing river. We sped towards the gates that would take us to Lake Town but an elven horn sounded over the roar of the mighty river.

The gates before us closed with a clang. "No!" Thorin shouted pushing on them to no avail.  An elf was about to move to pull us from the river when an arrow lodged in his back. Orcs! Another hunting party had found us. This hunting party just never gave up. Azog led this group, and he would die today if I had anything to say about the matter. I leapt out of my barrel to join the fray. Elves came out to fight and as I still had my concealment charm up I transformed into a wolf crushing orcs with my jaws before throwing them into the river. I ran to the lever to free the company.

As I was running Kili climbed out of his barrel catching an orc weapon his brother threw him. I ran toward him, but I wasn't fast enough to stop the arrow that Azog sent in his direction. The arrow buried itself deep in his thigh. Kili's brother cried out for him as he fell to the ground. I charged Azog, both of us tearing at each other. When I looked back the company was gone, Kili had managed to get the gate open.

I was then thrown into the water by Azog. I got away long enough to put Bilbo in my now empty barrel as he had lost his hold on his. He had at first panicked as I picked him up by the back of his shirt in my mouth. I went back to my fight and lost the dwarves for the time being. I was dragged underwater as Azog drew his sword and plunged into my chest and his metal arm into my stomach. Now that he was weaponless I opened my mouth to grab him. He wasn't able to pull away fast enough and I ripped his head from his wretched body, crushing his skull. I resurfaced for air and pulled his weapons out of me. By the time I found the dwarves I would be healed.

I let the current take me, knowing that was the fastest way to locate my friends. Azog was dead; he could never hurt anyone again, now for his son.

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