Chapter 2: An Unexpected Party

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Chapter two: An Unexpected Party

            One year later I found myself at a hobbit hole. The hobbit that dwelled here was Bilbo Baggins. Thorin wasn't pleased but had agreed to let me come on this venture because there was a chance that I could control the dragon and when I was around the dragon I would be able to control its fire. The catch was I would have to lead them through Mirkwood; at least that's what it was called now. When I had been exiled it had been called the Greenwood.

            I agreed to lead them through Mirkwood, even though I would likely be killed for crossing Mirkwood's boarders. It had been overlooked once, 440 years ago, when I saved the young Prince and once more when I brought Thranduil's wife home after she was slain in battle. I doubted it would be overlooked again, especially since I was leading a group of dwarves through, and to top it off a descendant of one who ended the alliance between Thranduil and the dwarves. I was a dead elf.

            I was the first to arrive that evening along with a dwarf named Dwalin. He was mostly bald and grumpy. He had some tattoos and a personality of a pissed off Rottweiler most of the time, but underneath he was a gentle soul. I knocked on the bright green door that happened to have a moon rune on it. That must be Gandalf's work. Needless to say, the hobbit was surprised to see us. Gandalf! "Dwalin, at your service," he said bowing. The hobbit before us stood about three foot eight. He had reddish-brown hair that hung past his ears and was curly. His eyes blue.

            The hobbit stood in the doorway frozen, "Bilbo Baggins at yours," he said closing his robe.

            "Allie at yours master hobbit," I said bowing. "I am sorry to drop in unannounced but Gandalf sent us."

            "Gandalf," the hobbit sighed.

            "You should also know more dwarves will be coming by. May I come in?" I asked as Dwalin pushed his way in thrusting his dark green cloak into Bilbo's hands. The poor hobbit nodded not knowing what else to do.

            "Where is it laddie?" Dwalin asked walking through the curved halls of the small house. "Is it down here?"

            "Is what down where?" Bilbo asked hanging up Dwalin's cloak.

            "Supper, he said there would be food and lots of it."

            "Who said?" Bilbo asked before growling, "Gandalf." We went down to the hobbit's little dining hall and I sat on the floor, being too tall to easily sit in one of his chairs. The home I had to admit was very cozy and a place I could easily live if I weren't as tall as Gandalf. The ceilings in some places were just too low. Not that I minded, I had lived in many caves where the ceiling was so low I had to crawl on my stomach. Dwalin proceeded to eat the dinner that Bilbo had no doubt cooked for himself. Bilbo sat in the corner looking very startled and nearly frightened. I gave him a sympathetic smile when he looked at me.

            "Very good this, is there more?" Dwalin asked. The hobbit started looking for something to give the dwarf.

            "Dwalin!" I said in shock, "that was his dinner. Let him eat, he is after all our host." A moment later the doorbell rang.

            "That would be the door," Dwalin said looking at Bilbo.

            "He knows that Dwalin," I said. The next dwarf to arrive was Balin, Dwalin's older brother.  They were also third cousins to Thorin as were Oin and Glóin, brothers as well. Bilbo and Balin made some small talk before Balin also let himself in. Next to arrive were Fili and Kili, brothers and nephews to Thorin. Bilbo was yelling at them about his mother's glory box.

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