Chapter 16 A Trade

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Chapter 16: A trade

The next day saw the elves and Bard on the doorstep of the mountain along with Gandalf. Thorin was less than pleased and even less pleased when he found out that they had the Arkenstone. He was convinced that it was some kind of trick. Bilbo finally spoke up and told him it wasn't a trick saying that he gave it to them as his share of the treasure and he would let it stand against his claim. Thorin was furious. "Thorin please, just give them what they need to rebuild, what you promised whether or not you think it's fair. Gold is not worth blood," I begged hoping to reach the Thorin I had met in Bree.

"I will pay them nothing, throw him from the ramparts!" Thorin ordered. I pushed Bilbo behind me and no one else moved. "Didn't you hear me?" Thorin asked and still no one moved. "Fine, I'll do it myself." Thorin tried to go around behind me and I kept blocking him as the others tried to stop him.

"Stand down Thorin Oakenshield!" I growled.

"IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY BURGULAR THEN RETURN HIM TO ME UNHARMED," Gandalf's voice boomed off the rock as he came towards us. Bofur got Bilbo out of there as Thorin argued with Gandalf. Bilbo was out of Thorin's reach but that wasn't any safer than here in the mountain. A second army was coming from the north. I had sent my dragons to deal with them. We couldn't fight on two fronts.

"I will not treat with any of you," Thorin said as I saw a raven coming towards the mountain. One had left the other day.

"Is there no chance for peace then?" Bard asked.

"I will have war," Thorin replied. Just at that moment an army of dwarves came up over the hill and there were thousands of them. If we could convince them to help us and work with the elves we might actually have a chance of winning this fight, but this was Dain son Nain. He was Thorin's cousin and twice as stubborn as thrice as unreasonable. Thranduil was just as unreasonable. Nobody was going to be called off of this fight and no one may work together when the orcs arrived. Working together was our only chance. Without it, we were doomed. Dain was getting everyone all worked up and fights broke out between the elves and the dwarves while Bard took the men back to Dale.

Soon enough the orcs appeared and Thorin ordered everyone to stay inside the mountain. He claimed the gold had to be protected and it was worth all the blood that could be spent. "You Thorin Oakenshield are not my king and you are lesser now than you have ever been. I would have gladly called you my king back when we met even though you hated me but I will not answer to a greedy, power-hungry pretender. You don't deserve the title." With that, I jumped out of the open balcony and joined the fight.

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