Chapter 8: That is our Host

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A/N: This is unedited so sorry for any mistakes. Oh did anyone catch the Easter egg I planted in Chapter 6? If you did comment it down below. The video above is the whistle Allie does to call her horse. This chapter has parts from the book but I still followed the movie. I tried to blend book and movie. The picture above is the dragon that brought Allie to the dwarves and let Allie us her wings to save Thorin.

Chapter Eight: That is our host

We were at the borders of Beorn's lands. We made our way off the Carrock that was carved in the shape of a bear, stairs going down its back. From the size of the stairs and the distance between them the man that had carved these was of no small size. I changed into a wolf and everyone climbed onto my back at Gandalf's insistence. Once everyone was seated I went down the stairs quickly. We needed to stop at the river to refill our water skins and clean up a bit. A bath would be most welcome. Once at the river, everyone got off and I walked straight into the river, still in wolf form. The cold water bringing relief to my sore muscles.

"Get yourselves cleaned up, we want to look good for our host," Gandalf said.

"And who is our host?" Thorin asked.

"A friend of mine," I said pushing the message into everyone's head. An hour later we were walking through the wood looking for a place to rest until tonight. With orcs hunting us we would have to move under the cover of darkness. I led the group to a circular area surrounded by trees, completely sheltered. I lay down on my side and most of the dwarves lay down next to me, Kili climbing up onto my shoulder, using my shoulder as a pillow, the rest of his body falling on my neck. I didn't mind. Hours later as the sun became lower in the sky we stirred, ready to continue our journey.

We had been traveling for an hour when Bilbo was sent to scout ahead since he was one of the quietest in the group. I was the other, but Gandalf wanted me here in case Beorn came near in his bear form. I could hear the orcs a few leagues ahead of us, they were trying to pick up our scent. Bilbo came rushing back towards us a few moments later.

"Are the orcs on our trial?" Dwalin asked.

"Not yet but they will soon," Bilbo replied. He was out of breath and there was a look in his eyes that told me he saw something else out there. "But there's something else."

"They saw you?" Gandalf asked and as Bilbo tried to speak he was bombarded with questions.

"Silence!" I whisper shouted gaining everyone else's attention. "Bilbo is trying to say something." I looked at him and nodded.

"There's something else out there, big like a bear," he said. Suddenly we heard a roar.

"You knew of this beast?" Thorin asked.

Gandalf went around the question as usual, "There is a house where we might take refuge."

"Whose house?" Thorin asked. "Is he friend or foe?"

"Neither, he will help us or he will kill us," Gandalf answered.

"What choice do we have?" Thorin asked.

"None," Gandalf said as the dwarves started to argue about our choice of what to do.

"No time for that now, run," I said now in my human form. I knew whose house he spoke of, he was my friend and he owed me a favor. It seemed that I was going to cash in that favor tonight. We ran through the woods heading for Beorn's house. We ran till the next day about noon. As the sun reached its highest peak in the sky we came out into an open plain. As we headed for the gate that was open a very large black bear burst out of the trees. Bombur started out running everyone in an attempt to get away from the bear.

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