Chapter 14 Dragon Sickness

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A/N: I'm sorry for the long wait. I had writters block so this chapter is shorter than the others. I just hope it is as good. Please vote, comment, add, share.  Give me some guesses of what you think is going to happen. If you caught the easter egg in chapter 6 then you know what Allie has to do to save her friends. Enjoy! And I will work on fixing my mistakes in grammar and punctuation in previous chapters soon.

Chapter 14: Dragon Sickness

I came back to the mountain with Kili, Fili, Bofur, and Oin. They had survived the dragon attack and now wanted to go home. I had taken on my wolf form and allowed them to ride my back to the mountain. I ran up the rocky hillside heading for the mountain. I climbed up the side as the sun began to set. I heard the others call out, "Allie's back and she brought the rest of the company with her! They're alive!"

I made it to the small balcony where Bilbo was the first to greet us. "We must leave!"

"What are you talking about?" Kili asked. I lowered myself to the ground so they could get off. After everyone was off I transformed back to my two-legged self.

"Thorin, he's lost his mind, we have to leave," Bilbo said as Kili, Fili, Bofur, and Oin walked away from me.

"Thorin won't leave Bilbo and I fear it is far too late for that. War is less than two days away. A day if we're lucky. We must ready the mountain and make it defensible." Everyone was looking at me. Before I could explain someone yelled.

"YOU!" Thorin shouted. He was storming towards me. "I will not have an elf here. Elves caused all our problems in the first place!" I growled slightly but didn't move. "Get out!" Thorin shouted. I walked towards him.

"I'm not the cause of your problems Thorin Oakenshield nor were my people. It was your grandfather's greed that brought the dragon to the mountain. Without me you would not be here, you would have been eaten by trolls, and Bilbo saved your lives that night as well or died in the goblin tunnels or had your head chopped off on the mountainside without Bilbo or still looking for a way to cross the lake. Lake Town would be ash right now without me. Just because I'm an elf does not mean that I am responsible for all of my kin's decisions," I said.

Before I could react he pulled his sword out and drove it through my heart. The rest of the company screamed, calling for me and shouting at Thorin. He drove it all the way to the hilt. "Leave!" Thorin said growling.

"Allie!" Kili screamed and I heard him trying to get to me to only be restrained by Fili and Bofur.

"I'm fine Kili," I said not looking at him but glaring at Thorin. I pulled his sword out of my chest and buried his sword in the stone, almost to the hilt. "If you want to kill me, Thorin you'll have to do better than that," I growled. "Now if you don't mind I'm going to go check on your nephew. Make ready for war," I warned. I turned my back on him and went over to Kili. I kneeled in front of him and placed both of my hands on his face.

He was hysterical, "Allie," he called.

"Hush Kili," I said placing my hands on his face. "I'm fine, I promise you," I said pulling him into a hug. He hugged me back and just cried into my shoulder. When Thorin had plunged his sword into my chest Kili had felt it as though he was the one being stabbed. Others went into the mountain as I sat with Kili overlooking what was once the town of Dale. Kili sat beside on the railing of the balcony. The sun was setting casting shadows over the land whose reach was growing as the sun sank lower and lower.

Soon the shadows would disappear as the land was covered by the blanket of night. Kili was leaning into my side as I stroked his hair. He was finally starting to calm down. I heard footsteps come up beside me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Fili. "How is he?"

I turned to look at Kili. He had fallen asleep. "He's asleep," I answered. Fili came to lean on the balcony, placing his elbows on the railing where Kili and I sat.

"I've never seen him that freaked out. I also never been able to not calm him down," Fili said sadly. "Thank you."

I placed my hand on his shoulder, keeping my other arm tightly around Kili, "You're welcome Fili. And just so you know he still needs you, he will always need you."

"How do you know?"

"I'm 4,920 and I still need my brothers and sisters. I have always needed them and I always will," I said as Fili started to tear up. I pulled him close to me, stroking his hair. I was glad to have brothers again. I heard heavier footsteps come up behind us.

"We must make ready the mountain. We have to seal the front gate. Word will spread that Smaug is dead and others will come to claim their share of the gold. All of us must make the mountain ready and I need you in your other form, Allie. You have to move some heavy rock," Thorin ordered. I snarled as Fili pulled away.

I woke Kili and told him to go with his brother. As soon as he was gone I approached Thorin. "I am not a slave Thorin Oakenshield. Your forefathers used me for that purpose and denied me a safe haven when I was a kid. I will help you defend the mountain and make it ready, but I will not be used for a slave," I said.

I then followed Fili and Kili and started moving the stone as Bilbo continued to look for the stone. I was the only one that knew he had it and I wasn't about to say anything. That stone was our only hope at peace between Lake Town, Mirkwood and Erebor. It was also the only chance that Lake Town would get the money Thorin had promised them before the dragon sickness claimed his mind. When I got into the room where the stones of the shattered front gate sat there was a heap of leather straps.

"You need to wear that," Thorin said.

"Who's idea was this?" I snapped looking at all the dwarves. I had to rein in my anger. With the power I held I could level the whole mountain, crushing everyone inside it.

Fili stepped forward. "It was Thorin's. I'm sorry Allie; he didn't give us a choice. None of us agree with this, but we need your help to make this mountain defensible."

"Yes you do but not like this. I will not be used as a beast of burden." I used one of my rarely used powers and started shifting stone with my mind, closing the gaping hole, leaving the balcony open so we could get some air and set a watch. Within seconds the whole place was defensible and everyone was looking at me in a mix of fear and awe. "I'll take first watch," I said leaving the dwarves to dig up some armor and weapons for we would need them.

I had finally let my concealment charm down and now my weapons were visible. As I watched the stars twinkle in the sky I wondered what tomorrow would hold. This journey was far from over, and I hoped that I could save my friends as my grandmother said I would be able too, but there would be a price. And I would be the one to pay it.

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