Chapter 7: The Eagles

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A/N: Picture is Allie's throwing knives

Chapter Seven: The Eagles

"Run. Run! Go! Up into the trees! All of you! Come on, climb! Bilbo, climb! Quickly!" Gandalf yelled. Bilbo was trying to get his sword out of the head of a warg. The warg had impaled itself. I ran up to Bilbo and pulled his sword out for him.

"Into the trees Bilbo," I said giving him a boost where he was caught by Balin. "They're coming!" I called as I quickly swung up beside Kili. The wargs were attacking the trees, trying to knock them over on Azog's orders. The trees fell into one another, causing a domino effect.

"Hang on!" someone called out as we were all forced into one tree. This tree happened to be at the very edge of the cliff and it was shaking from all the weight that was now in it. Azog was laughing at our situation. Gandalf was dropping pines down to us that he had set ablaze and we were throwing them. I used my ability to control fire to wrap the fire around the wargs, creating a protective barrier between them and our tree.

"Hold them off for a bit longer Allie!" Gandalf called. What did he think I was doing!

"Hold on, brothers!" another one of the dwarves called out. Azog slowly came down the hill on his white warg. The tree was now severely tilted over the ledge. I quickly started thinking of what I could do to save my brothers as Azog drew near. Oh, how I would love to tear his throat out with my own teeth.

"Azog," Thorin said in shock. "It cannot be." I could hear the disbelief in his voice. "Allie was right." The tree gave another lurch just as a plan came to me. It would mean I was out of the fight, but if my brothers lived it would be worth it.

"It's going!" the dwarves cried out in fear.

The tree was falling off the edge of the cliff. I quickly got off the tree and transformed into a wolf, wrapping my tail around the trunk. I dug my claws into the rocky soil and pulled my weight forward along with the tree. I had to hold it until Gandalf figured something out. Hopefully, he knew how to get us out of this; I wouldn't be able to hold the tree up forever.

If Azog wasn't out of reach I would kill him right now. I could hear the dwarves calling out to each other as I started to slide backwards. "Fili!" My claws desperately tried to find purchase in the rocky soil.



"Oh, no. Mr. Gandalf!" Dori called.

"Oh, no, Dori!" Gandalf replied. I couldn't look to see what was going on. I was focused on keeping the tree on the cliff face, instead of thousands of feet below.


Azog then spoke either in Orcish or Black speech. It was hard to tell because both speeches were so harsh, "Do you smell it?" He took a deep breath of air smelling it. "The smell of fear. I remember your father reeked of it Thorin son of Thrain."

"Don't listen to him Thorin! He's trying to get to you!" I said using my mind since in this form I couldn't use my voice.

"No! Thorin! No!" The dwarves called out to their leader as he walked under me, his sword raised, his oaken branch in his other hand, also raised. I desperately tried to stop him. He couldn't take on Azog alone.

"Get out of the way Allie!" he snarled. He ran toward Azog. The white warg leapt forward knocking Thorin to the ground. He tried to get up but before he was off his knees Azog had come back around and hit him in his chest with a giant mace. I let out a guttural growl filled with rage as the warg picked Thorin up in its mouth, crushing him.

"No!" Balin yelled. Thorin brought the hilt of his sword down on the warg's snout. This caused the warg to release him. He flew through the air and he landed hard on the rock.

"Thorin!" Dwalin called. I heard Fili and Kili join in the calls for their uncle.

"Bring me his head," Azog said.

"Don't you touch him," I replied in his native tongue. He looked shocked to hear a voice inside his head. As an orc approached Thorin, Thorin tried to reach his sword but it was just out of reach. The orc was about to bring its blade down when a red blur knocked in it. Bilbo!

Bilbo stabbed it several times then stood in front of Thorin who was now unconscious. Bilbo swung his sword in front of him. "Kill him!" Azog ordered. As the wargs approached several of the dwarves charged the orcs and the wargs. Chaos erupted in which the eagles had arrived.

"Look," someone cried as the eagles swooped in fanning the flames that had been started by the wizard. They threw orcs and wargs over the edge of the cliff. Soon they were collecting dwarves. One of them gently picked up Thorin and carried him away. After everyone was out of the tree I let go and ran to the edge of the cliff and jumped. As I sailed through the air I took on my two-legged form. I landed next to Kili and Fili.

"Allie!" Kili cried and hugged me. I hugged him back.

Fili's cries broke the silence, "Thorin!"

Others including myself joined in, "Thorin!" I then heard the Eagle's voice in my head, asking me to get on the eagle's back below me. I did as asked after explaining to Kili what I was about to do. I jumped off the eagle that carried Fili and Kili and landed on the eagle that had Thorin in his talons. We flew till sunrise and we were all deposited on a large rock that reached up into the heavens, the Carrock. The rock was shaped to resemble a bear. Gandalf was immediately by Thorin's side. I hoped that he could heal him.

"Thorin," Gandalf called kneeling beside him. He muttered something that I didn't quite catch waving his hand over Thorin's body. Thorin opened his eyes, looking at Gandalf and I.

"The Halfling?" Thorin asked and everyone sighed a sigh of relief. He was alive.

"It's all right. Bilbo is here. He's quite safe," Gandalf said as Thorin struggled to get to his feet. Dwalin and one of his nephews tried to help him but as soon as he was on his feet he shook them off.

"You! What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed! Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the Wild? That you had no place amongst us? I have never been so wrong in all my life. But I'm sorry I doubted you." Thorin then pulled Bilbo into a hug. It took Bilbo a moment to return the hug. I smiled slightly.

"No, I would have doubted me too. I'm not a hero or a warrior. Not even a burglar," Bilbo said eliciting a chuckle out of all of us. He looked into the distance and asked, "Is that what I think it is?"

Erebor......the Lonely Mountain......the last of the great Dwarf kingdoms of Middle-earth," Gandalf said.

"Our home," Thorin said. We all gathered to look at the mountain. A small gray bird flew passed us.

"A raven! The birds are returning to the mountain," Oin said. I chuckled slightly. Not only was he deaf but apparently also blind.

"That, my dear Oin, is a thrush," Gandalf said.

"But we'll take it as a sign. A good omen," Thorin said.

"You're right. I do believe the worst is behind us," Bilbo said.

"Please don't jinx it Bilbo. There is still a dragon ahead of us," I said.

"Allie," Thorin said. I turned to look at him. "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you about waiting for the storm to pass, that there were goblins in that pass. And I'm also sorry that I didn't listen to you about the trolls. If I ever don't listen to you again when you are trying to keep us safe, you can overrule me." I was shocked.

To lighten the mood a little bit I asked jokingly, "Can I get that in writing?" Everyone chuckled including Thorin. "It's all right Thorin. Trust takes time to earn brother."

A/N: The end of the first movie. I'll try to have chapter 8 soon. I finished chapter 6 today and chapter 7 was already written so you guys got two chapters today. The next movie will be in the same story so you won't have to hunt it down. Thanks for all the votes and reads.

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