Chapter 9: Mirkwood

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This chapter also has some details from the book. I tried to blend the book and the movie. Let me know how I did. Please comment, vote, share, add to your library. Follow me if you want. I'm working on several hobbit and LOTR stories.

Chapter nine: Mirkwood

I found myself at the borders of Mirkwood, 13 dwarves and a hobbit behind me. I took a deep breath before I stepped across the border. "Stay close and stay on the path. I rather not run into the elves or have to go looking for you lot," I said moving forward. As soon as we entered the forest it became harder for us to breathe as the air was still and stagnant. The darkness that oozed out of the trees, the soil, the air, the water, and the creatures was nauseating. I was an elf from here so it didn't affect me as much, but because of my origins, it made me feel wrong.

"This forest feels...sick," Bilbo said coming to stand beside me.

"It is Bilbo, very sick. The darkness that is growing to the southeast of this land is spreading, poisoning everything it touches, consuming the land in darkness. If it is not stopped and soon this is the fate of all lands," I said moving forward.

"And you lead us here?" Thorin asked.

"Believe me I would rather go around, but those paths are overrun with orcs and goblins. Plus we don't have time to go 200 or 400 miles around. That's a month's journey if we go 200 miles and Durin's day falls in two weeks." Thorin sighed and nodded. "Let's go," I said hoping that we wouldn't run into Thranduil.

We traveled for what felt like weeks through the forest, never lighting a fire under my command as I knew that the bugs that would be drawn to the light were huge and my companions wouldn't want to see the monsters that lurked in the dark here. They slept up against me, I draping my tail over them to keep them warm. Bilbo would sleep under my chin and Thorin would lean up against my front and I would place my head in his lap.

Our food was running low and Kili wanted to use his bow to hunt. All the animals here were black, sick with the darkness that plagued the forest. I wouldn't allow them to hunt or eat the animals here. I managed to keep my food stores well-stocked for this kind of situation. Being an elf I didn't need to eat as often as the other races. I carefully rationed what was left of my supplies to feed my friends.

I had managed to keep the trail under my feet and the dwarves with me as we approached a bridge that was broken. There was a boat on the other side but it was tied with a very strong rope. "What now?" Kili asked.

"We could swim," Bofur suggested.

"NO!" I shouted halting them in their steps. "Do you remember what Beorn said?" I asked.

"We cannot swim it," Thorin said looking at me.

"Correct, a powerful spell lays upon that water. If you so much as touch it, you will fall into a deep sleep for a long time. I will transform and you all will sit on my back and I will jump across," I said. Moments later we were all across the stream that was black with sickness. As all the dwarves got off my back a white buck walked across our path and Thorin raised his loaded bow. I grabbed his arm stopping him.

"What are you doing?" Bilbo asked.

"Put that away Thorin. If you shoot at that you will change our fairly good luck that we've had so far to really bad."

"You think that our luck has been good so far? Is starving what you call good luck?" Thorin growled at me.

"I have enough food left for a week Thorin. And I'm asking you to trust me, you have no idea how dangerous this forest is now. Keep following my lead and hopefully, we will get out of here without encountering any elves. Put your weapon away," I said not at all threatened by his tone of voice. Before I knew it everything fell dark as we were attacked by spiders. When I woke up I was wrapped in something white and sticky, spiders. Just great. Soon I felt myself falling. The spiders must have missed someone and I was guessing it was Bilbo. Hobbits usually weren't noticed because of their slight stature.

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