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"Long enough to know, that you liked yesterday just as much as I did.", he says still smiling and now coming up to us. He sits down stretching his legs and folding his hands behind his head. " I think I'll take today off, so what do you want to do?", he asks me and I look at him astonished since he usually never takes days off unless we tell him to. "What? I just want to spend the day with you for once instead of sitting in the studio all day.", he says and I can see Changbin next to me smiling at the two of us. "Sooo? What do you want to do?", he repeats waiting for an answer. "I don't know.", I tell him feeling overwhelmed with the situation, seeing as I'd never been good at making decisions, especially when there are no options given. Knowing this Changbin helps me by rephrasing his question. "Would you rather stay here or go out?", he asks minimising my options. "The weather is nice so going out would be a good idea.", I answer feeling less stressed now. Chan watching interested. "Okay, and what would you like to do first? Do you first want to go for a walk, out to eat or go to a few stores and look around, see if you like anything?", he continues and I think for a moment before answering. "First, we could go to the stores then we could go to eat something and finally we could go for a walk, if that's okay.", I say looking over at Chan who looks fascinated. "Yes, of course, that sounds nice.", he answers with a big grin.
Time skip, Chan's pov
After Seungmin leaves to get ready I stay with Changbin since the situation had confused me a little bit and I wanted to understand what is happening. "So, what was that about? I don't quite understand why you limited his options like that.", I say and Changbin gives me a sympathetic look. "You see, Seungmin has been through a lot and that obviously left some marks, the kind that even time sometimes can't fully heal. For him that shows in a few different ways many of which are not even noticeable to those who don't know. One of them is that he has a hard time making decisions but I noticed that it is easier for him, when he is given options because his choices are limited and less overwhelming. So I picked some of his favourite things to choose from to make it easier.", he explains and I nod my head, finally understanding. " Thanks, Binnie, that explains a lot. I mean I knew he had it rough but I never realised the extent of it all.", I admit and he just nods. "Took me some time to get there as well, since he understandably has a really hard time trusting people now, it took me a while to get to him and make him realise I'm not trying to hurt him. Though I think you're slowly getting there as well.", he says smiling at me.
Seungmin's pov
When I come back into the living room Chan and Changbin are still sitting on the sofa, not noticing me as they seem quite invested in their conversation. I don't want to interrupt them so I just wait for them to finish, when Chan suddenly looks over at me. "Are you ready?", he asks "Yeah.", I answer nervously since this whole situation has my mind racing. Chan smiles at me which makes my breath come out a little easier again and I actually manage to smile back. "Come on, let's go.", he says getting up and grabbing both our jackets from the coat hanger, handing me mine. "Thank you.", I say my nerves rising again as I think about this being the first time I'll be going out with him like this. "No need to be nervous, I promise it'll be a lot of fun.", he says while soothingly caressing my back. "Have fun.", Changbin tells us as we're about to leave "We will.", Chan responds turning back for a second to look at him. We get into the car, Chan in the driver's seat but before he starts the car he turns to me taking my hand. "Do you want to go to the city? That way we could just leave the car somewhere and walk around.", he says still having his eyes on me. "Yeah, sounds good.", I answer slowly starting to relax a little. When we get there we spend a good 15 minutes looking for a parking spot, before we finally find one slightly outside of the city centre and get out. We first go to a few of my favourite shops, where we mostly just look around and I end up picking two items I really like which Chan insists on paying for. After we go to my favourite restaurant, where we eat and talk about our plans for the weekend, as well as decide to do a film night. Once we're done Chan pays and we leave the restaurant. "I'm really enjoying this.", I admit shyly, as we walk around. "Me too, it's nice to just spend time with you like this.", he tells me seeming to get lost in his thoughts. "What's on your mind?", I ask curiously and he shakes his head. "Nothing, I'm just really happy to see you like this.", "What do you mean?", I question confused. "You just seem so happy and free today, like you don't have a care in the world.", he says, which gets me thinking. I do feel less stressed today and thinking back, I think last night I got the best sleep of my life. Looking at him I whisper, "It's because of you, it's all because of you." I notice him looking at my lips for a few seconds before slowly leaning in. Despite getting extremely anxious, seeing as we are still in public and people could easily catch us, I don't pull away. I let him kiss me and after just two seconds I completely forget where I am, I forget about the consequences we'd have to face if we got caught. All I can think about is the feeling of his lips on mine. How they make my whole body tingle, how they make my skin feel on fire and how they make me want to be his and only his. When our lips part my face feels flushed and I immediately turn away, feeling embarrassed. "Hey, baby. Look at me, it's okay. My face is just as red.", he assures me laughing slightly. I look back at him, to see that his face is actually flushed as well and a small smile appears on my lips. "Do you want to go back to the car now?", he asks and I simply nod in response.

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