The next step pt.1/2

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The next morning I wake up in an empty bed and instantly start to panic a little. That's when Chan comes back, a glass of water in his hand. "Oh, you're up.", he says smiling. "I was just getting some water.", he informs me holding up the glass. "Morning Chan.", I say as he takes a sip. "Morning Baby. What do you want to do today?", he asks looking at me. "I don't know.", I say still a little sleepy. "Okay. Let's figure it out then.", he tells me enthusiastically, sitting down. I brake into a smile, happy that he changed his approach immediately. "Here's how we're gonna do this. I'm just going to ask you yes or no questions. Are you okay with that?", he wants to know and I nod in response. He turns his whole body so he's sitting across from me. "Okay. Do you want to go out today?", he asks and I think for a moment before answering. "No, I don't really feel like going anywhere today.", I admit and he just smiles. "That's fine. Do you just wanna stay in bed watch movies and order take-out?", he asks suggestively and I nod eagerly. He starts laughing which makes me blush in embarrassment. "Oh no, don't be embarrassed it's cute.", he informs me and I feel myself blush even more. At that, he leans forward and places a soft kiss on my lips. "You're adorable, you know that?", he whispers pulling away slowly. "What movie do you want to watch?", he asks and I think for a bit. "How about a romcom?", "Sure, which one?", he continues. "How about 'Love Simon'?", I say laughing Chan joining in. "Quite on the nose don't you think?", he says still chuckling. "Okay. 'The Photograph'?", I ask serious this time. "Sure, I don't think I've seen that one.", he tells me and I just smile. "It's great. I love that one.", "Alright, that one it is then. I'm going to get us some snacks, we can order food later", he says getting up. "Alright, I'll set up the movie.", I tell him as he leaves the room. When he comes back, hands full of snacks and two bottles of water, I'm already wrapped up in the blankets again. He puts everything down before getting in bed with me and I instinctively cuddle up to him, not really thinking about it. I can feel him put his arm around me as he grabs the remote and starts the movie. I end up not really getting much of it though because I'm mostly just enjoying being so close to him. When suddenly my mind starts going in a different direction and I can feel myself getting a little nervous. I shift in Chan's arms which makes him look down. "Are you okay?", he asks sounding somewhat confused. "Yeah, just a little cold.", I tell him to which he simply pulls the blankets up a bit, so my shoulders are covered as well. "Thanks.", "No problem.", he answers the slight worry not leaving his face. Once the movie ends we're about to order food and turn on a new one, when Chan gets a call. "Hyunjin? What's up?", he asks when answering the phone. "Not really.", he response to whatever Hyunjin said. "Are you sure it can't wait?", he continues and I'm starting to get confused. "What is it?", I ask Chan to which he covers the mic before talking to me. "Hyunjin says there's some sort of emergency in the studio.", he informs me. "Really!? You should go then.", I tell him freaking out now. "Are you sure? You'll stay here though I don't want you to worry.", he says seriously. "Are you serious?! I'm not staying here!", I say getting mad. He puts the phone back to his ear turning his attention back to Hyunjin. "What kind of emergency are we talking about?", he questions. "Oh. How dear you?! You almost gave me a heart- attack!", he exclaims and I feel a wave of relive coming over me realizing Hyunjin is just being his usual dramatic self. "Alright, I'll be there in ten.", I hear Chan saying annoyed. He hangs up the phone looking at me. "I suppose I can stay here now.", I say laughing. "Yeah, I guess so. God, he's so dramatic!", he responds, throwing his head back. "What are you gonna do while I'm gone?", "Don't know. Probably just going to watch some videos on my phone, I don't really want to watch a movie alone.", I say with a shrug. "Alright, I'll grab us some food on the way back.", "Okay, see you later.", I say while he gets up, placing a kiss on my forehead before leaving. I release a breath I didn't know I was holding, pulling out my phone and leaning against the headboard. As I'm watching a few videos my mind starts wandering and I start thinking about the way I felt earlier. Sure I've been scared of physical contact before but this was different, it felt as though shock waves were coming from where ever our bodies connected. I start getting warm and could feel tingles on my whole body. Something is happening to me and I'm not really sure what it is. I get scared but decide to ignore it the best I can. After about two more hours I can hear Chan enter the house and put my phone aside, waiting for him.
Chan's pov
Upon entering the room I see Seungmin leaned against the headboard waiting for me. As I look at him I quickly notice the slight bulge in his trousers but decide not to say anything for now. "Hey, you're back!", he greets me with a smile as I set the bag of food on the floor next to the bed. "Yeah, and I brought some food. Do you want to eat and watch another movie or?", I ask taking a seat. "Can we just eat and cuddle?", he asks sweetly and I break into a big smile loving the idea of being able to just focus on him. "Of course! If that's what you want.", I say and he nods. After we ate I lie down pulling Seungmin onto my chest. I want to address his 'situation' but I don't really know how to do so without making him feel uncomfortable. I think about it for a while and end up deciding to just go for it and deal with the consequences later. "Hey, Baby there's something I want to talk about.", I start and I can see the fear making its way through his body. "Don't worry, it's nothing bad.", I assure him before continuing. "I don't mean to make you feel embarrassed but I couldn't help but notice you have a bit of a boner.", I say and he looks at me seeming confused. "What do you mean?", he asks and I can't hide my surprise. "Have you never had a boner before?", "No?", he says getting shy now. "But you know what it is, right?", I ask now getting a little nervous myself. "Of course, I'm not uneducated.", he tells me sounding slightly insulted. "Okay, just making sure. Do you know how to take care of it?", I ask carefully. "No, not really. I mean I didn't even know what it feels like until today.", he admits his face turning a bright red. He's adorable. "There's no need to be embarrassed about that, I can show you.", "Of course only if you feel ready to go there.", I quickly add wanting to make sure he knows he's the one calling the shots in this matter. "I'm not sure, maybe we could just try and see how I'm doing", he suggests and I nod in agreement, happy he's trying his best. "One more question. Have you ever done anything with anyone before, just so I know how much I have to explain or prepare you for?", "Obviously not I haven't even had a boner before. What has you thinking I would've been able to do anything before?", he asks and I suddenly feel stupid for asking. "Right, sorry.", I apologises. "So how do you feel most comfortable?", I ask getting back to the subject at hand. "I'm not sure.", he tells me and I simply nod thinking hard. "Okay, I've got an idea. Seeing as we haven't really had skin to skin contact before and I can tell that the thought of it still kind of freaks you out, I think we should start with something just a little less intimate that still gives you the chance to get used to having me touch you're skin.", I tell him, keeping a close eye on his face. "What did you have in mind?", "I was thinking maybe a back massage.", I respond giving him a reassuring look. "Sounds good.", he says but I notice he still seems really nervous. "Okay, how about you lie down and I go get some oil to make it more comfortable.", I suggest carefully not wanting to rush him.

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