Friendship = Support

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Seungmin's pov
I feel tired. Of course I'm happy about being able to do this with Chan but I mainly feel incredibly tired. Chan must have noticed because he looks me in the eyes and says: "You can go to sleep Baby. I'll clean you up and put your cloths back on." He doesn't need to tell me twice. I lie back and close my eyes falling asleep almost instantly. When I wake up in the evening I look around only to find Chan sitting at his desk with his laptop in front of him and his headphones on. I get up to go to the bathroom, my body still feeling a little strange, that makes him look up and take off his headphones. "Hey Baby, how are you?", he asks with a soft smile on his lips. "I'm good, I just need to use the bathroom.", I explain to which he nods, turning his attention back to work. After I'm done I decide to go down stairs and see what the others are up to. Turns out Jisung is sitting on the sofa watching what seems to be some kind of drama and the others all appear to be in their rooms. Since I don't really have anything else to do I decide to join Jisung sitting down beside him. "Hey.", he says looking at me. "Hey, what are you watching?", I ask looking at the TV. "It's a Thai- drama.", he informs me seeming really invested. "What's it called?", I ask curiously. "Love in the air.", he response not taking his eyes of the screen. I don't even realise what's going on until I hear moans and turn my head in confusion. What I see is something I'd never expect from Jisung. It shows two boys kissing passionately, the scene only getting more heated. My mind immediately goes back to earlier and I blush turning away. "What's wrong? This makes you think of Chan, doesn't it?", he asks and I freeze in complete shock. He pauses the show turning to me. "What? You think I'm blind?", he asks raising an eyebrow. "I can see the way he looks at you and come on I could cut the tension between you with a knife.", he says with a chuckle. I don't quite know how to respond so I just stay silent. "Don't get me wrong I'm really happy for you two. It does hurt that you think of me as so oblivious though.", he says pretending to be upset. "Do the others know?", I ask a little nervous. "Changbin definitely knows but I'm not sure about the others.", he says and I release a breath. "I'm pretty sure the others think you're just really close friends.", "Okay, could you promise me something?", I ask locking eyes with him. "Sure, what is it?", he questions keeping eye contact. "Could you promise me not to say anything to anyone other than Changbin? I don't think I'm ready for everyone to know just yet.", I say feeling more vulnerable than I ever have with him. "Of course! I completely understand, don't worry I won't say anything until you're ready.", he assures me and I feel a wave of relive come over me. "Thank you! Really thank you so much.", I say with a big smile. "Of course, I'd never do something like that.", he tells me smiling back. He turns off the TV, turning his whole body towards me and giving me his full attention. "So, you don't have to answer but I'm kind of curios as to how much the two of you have done so far.", he says and I can feel myself blush a little. "Nosy much?", "Not at all!", he response and we both start laughing. "No but seriously, if you don't want to tell me that's completely fine.", he says in a more mature tone locking eyes with me again. "Sooo. Well, we've kissed a few times and...", I say feeling maybe a bit uncomfortable. He seems excited his eyes lighting up in a way I've rarely seen before. "Again, you don't have to tell me but have you done it yet?", he asks with so much excitement I'd feel bad if I were to decline him an answer. "No, not yet. I just don't think I'm ready for that yet.", I reply honestly to which Jisung nods. "Yeah, I get that. That's a pretty big thing and I feel like it's kind of like building a new layer of trust. One that you wouldn't want to build too quickly or too light- heartedly.", he says and I'm honestly somewhat surprised by how he was able to understand my situation so easily. "Exactly and I for one am also really nervous about it.", I admit. "Wait, are you a virgin?", he asks and I get a little nervous. "Yeah...", I tell him slowly. "I mean there's nothing wrong with that. I'm just surprised. Honestly I think Chan would be a great person to have your first time with. He's a very understanding, loving and attentive person and I think the fact he's got some experience is also a good thing.", he explains which is truly calming because I know how close they are and how well Jisung knows him. "Thanks, knowing that really helps.", I say and he just smiles. "I'm happy to help. Oh, and if there's anything you want to talk about let me know. I'll always be here to listen and give advice if you want.", "You're a good friend, you know that?", I ask and he shrugs. "Always trying my best." "So you really haven't done anything but kiss?", he wants to know going back to the original topic. "Well...", I say not really sure if I should tell him. "If you don't want to give me any more information that's fine. I mean this still is quite a private subject and I get that talking about it might make you feel uncomfortable.", he says and I just sigh. "Thank you for being so understanding.", I say receiving a nod in response. That's when I hear foot-steps behind me and turn around. Changbin walks into the kitchen getting a glass out of the cabin and filling it with water. After taking a sip, he walks over to the sofa sitting down next to us, putting the glass on the coffee table in front of him. "What are you doing?", he asks looking between the two of us. "Nothing much we just finished our conversation.", Jisung replies. Changbin looks at me and I quickly look away with the absurd fear he might be able to read my mind. "Is everything alright Seungmin? You seem a bit off.", he says and I'm not sure what to say because even though everything is perfectly fine I still feel a little wired somehow. I decide to be honest, since he's my best friend and I'd never intentionally lie to him. "I honestly don't know.", I reply and he gives me a confused look. "Is there something you need to talk about?", he asks and I shrug in response. "How about you come with me for a minute?", he suggests and I nod getting up. Once we're in my room I sit on my bed Changbin next to me. "So, what's wrong?", "I'm not sure, everything's great but I somehow still feel strange.", I say and he nods quietly. "How do you mean that? Do you have an idea what might have caused you to feel that way?", he questions and I have to think for a moment before answering. "I don't really know my body just feels different. I just feel like something's changed but I don't know what.", "Do you have a guess on why?", he asks and I shake my head no. "Do you think it might be related to your relationship with Chan?", "Maybe.", I respond unsure. "Has anything happened between you that could mean a change in your relationship?", he asks and I nod slightly. "Do you want to tell me what that was?", he continues and I carefully nod once more. "Okay soo, we did some stuff.", I say blushing. "Okay. So, you guys got intimate?", he asks and I nod blushing even more. "Don't worry I'm not going to ask for any more details.", he assures me and I feel a bit relived. "I think that might be the reason. Taking that step into physical intimacy can change things between you regardless of how far you took it.", he explains looking at me. "Now, I don't want you to get scared because this change is actually good even though it might not feel that way right now. What is important now is for both of you to have open conversations and express how certain situations make you feel and how they affect your relationship.", he continues and I start to wonder how he does this. "How come you always know exactly what to do?", I ask and he shrugs. "I'm not sure. I just try to listen carefully and use my own experiences as well as a lot of empathy to try and give the best advice possible.", "Well, that tactic seems to work pretty good. I don't think you've ever given me advice that didn't work out.", I say and a big smile appears on his face. "I'm glad to be such big help.", he says and I smile back. "Not to be nosy but what were you and Jisung talking about earlier?", he asks curiously and my smile grows. "What?", "Nothing, I just think it's kind of funny how you can go from being serious and reliable to being so nosy.", I tell him laughing slightly. "Jisung just told me he knows about me and Chan, asked some questions and I had him promise me he wouldn't tell the others.", "I see. Yeah you two are really obvious sometimes. Especially to me and Jisung since I'd say we know you quite well. Though I think the others are starting to catch onto it as well.", he tells me and my eyes widen. I'm not ready for the others to know! "Relax, I'm 100% sure that it'll be fine. Even if they find out I know for sure they'll love and support both of you and together we'll make sure that it doesn't get to the public yet.", he assures me and I start to realise that he's right. None of the others would ever judge me or Chan because of this. I decide I should talk to Chan about all of this, so we can figure out what to do together. "I should probably talk to Chan about everything.", "That sounds like a good idea. If there's anything else you need to talk about, just come to me no matter what time it is.", he speaks and I can't help but feel grateful. "Thank you for always being there for me.", I say sincerely and he nods firmly.

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