I'll take care of you

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"Are you feeling better?" I can feel him hesitantly nodding and can't help but smile a little. We pull apart and I only now realize I should get him a tissue, so I reach over to take some out of the box on my night-stand. I start carefully wiping his tears, making sure not to be rough on his sensitive skin. After his face is somewhat dry, I hand him a tissue to blow his runny nose. Once he's done I get up to throw everything away. "Let's go wash your face, it'll help you calm down and get rid of the red- and puffiness." I offer, to which he nods. I reach for his hand and pull him out of bed, leading him to my bathroom. I lead him to sit down on the wooden stool I pull out from next to the sink, before getting a washcloth and picking a cleanser and moisturiser, to help his skin get better but mainly to relax him a little more. I set the things on the counter and get myself a stool as well, to sit down in front of him. I reach for the washcloth, putting it on my hand and holding it under some warm water, before wiping his face with it. I go for the cleanser, putting some of it on the cloth and spreading it on his face, my eyes not leaving his. I get up to properly clean the cloth, before softly removing the cleanser from his face and reaching for a towel from underneath the sink to dry it. I put everything aside and pick up the moisturiser, putting some on my hands and warming it up between them, the mint extract making it feel clod enough as is. I carefully put my hands to his face, spreading it out evenly and massaging it in slightly. Seungmin closes his eyes, making me smile. "Feels nice, huh?" I keep my voice low, not wanting to ruin the peaceful atmosphere. He nods, finally seeming to have found peace and I can't even express how happy it makes me to be part of it. Once I'm done, I spread the leftover product on my hands. I'm about to get up, when Seungmin stops me. "What's wrong?" I don't quite understand why he held me back. "Nothing, I just don't want this to be over yet." he admits shyly and I smile. "We can just go back to bed and cuddle." I say, taking his hand. He let's me pull him up and we go back to the bedroom, getting comfortable in bed. After Seungmin is satisfied with his position we settle down and I run my hand up and down his chest.

Seungmin's pov
We stay like this for a while, me just comfortably lying in his arms, while I try to build up the needed courage to do something I thought I'd need a lot longer to be ready for but turns out that I actually feel safe enough, the only problem is asking for it. After another 15 minutes I can hear the front door close, telling me the others must've left. That alone gives me the confidence boost I need. "Chan?" I ask in a shaky voice. "Mhh?" my heart is beating impossibly fast, scared of his reaction. "C-c-could w-we maybe tr- try again?" why am I stuttering so much, does he even understand what I'm saying? He does, and to my relive he immediately knows what I mean. "Are you sure, Sweetheart?" he sounds so soft, it makes me want to melt in his arms. "You know I said you could take your time with it.", "I know but I really want this." I reassure him and he sighs "Alright, please tell me if you change your mind." he's all soft now, not that he wasn't soft before, he just somehow seems even softer now. "Did you like the position last time or do you want to try something else?", "I-I think we can do it like last time." I say insecurely. "Okay, and you're sure you want to do this, like 100%?" he questions, more seriously. "Yeah, like 95% and those other 5% are just me being scared of doing something wrong." I admit, laughing nervously.
"There's hardly anything you could do wrong." he reassures, rubbing my back. "Okay." I say, trying my best to sound confident. He moves into a sitting position, leaning against the headboard and I slowly move to sit in his lap. He warps his arms around me and I try my best to relax against him. "I'm telling you once more, if at any point you feel like it's too much, please tell me. I want this to be good for you and not give you any bad experiences and memories, you already have enough of those." I nod, before taking a deep breath. He leans his head down, placing soft kisses on my neck, the feeling causing goosebumps on my whole body. "Is this okay?" , "Yeah." I breath out absently. He continues down to my shoulder, keeping his touch light and gentle. "Is it okay if I, or you, if that's more comfortable, take your shirt off?" his voice is quiet and not at all rushed. "Yeah, but can I do it myself?" I ask and I can hear the slight smile in his voice as he answers. "Of course, whatever is most comfortable to you Baby." he loosens his arms around me so I can pull my shirt off but I just sit there for a few seconds. I want to do it, I just need a second to prepare. As if reading my mind, he softly whispers in my ear. "It's okay, take your time, we'll take this as slow as you need it to be." I nod and slowly pull my shirt off. "Good job." he praises, making me blush. He starts softly kissing the back of my shoulder, slowly kissing down my back a little. His hands are caressing my belly and chest, heating me up from the inside. After about 10 minutes all movement stops and I look at him in confusion. "Could you lie down for me Baby?" I get more confused and a little nervous as well. "Don't worry, I'm still right here, I'm not going anywhere. That way it's easier for me to insure you feel good and I get to look into your gorgeous eyes. But if you don't want to I'm not going to force you, the decision is entirely up to you." he said the last part in a more serious tone, probably to make sure I know he means it. I think for a moment before answering. "I want to try." he nods and I get out of his lap. "If you don't like it, just tell me." I nod and lie down, my head resting beside him on the pillow. He crawls on top of me, his knees on either side of my hips and his hands placed beside my shoulders, holding most of his weight. "How do you feel?" I think for a moment. "G-good." I answer truthfully. Because even though it's new, it doesn't cause my body to tense which is always a good sign. He leans down, placing a soft kiss on my lips, before moving to my neck once again. He kisses down to my collarbone, my breath hitching at the touch. I never knew the area to be so sensitive, but I can't complain, since all it does is sent an intense wave of pleasure through my body. He must've noticed because he starts lightly sucking on the skin, causing me to let out a quiet whimper despite my efforts to keep quiet. I don't want to make too much noise since I feel like it's embarrassing, especially because he's hardly doing anything. The sound makes him look up and I feel even more embarrassed. "Sorry." I apologise, trying to avoid eye-contact. "Don't apologise Baby, make as much noise as you need to. We're all alone so no one other than me is going to hear you and to be honest, I love hearing you it shows me you actually enjoy this as much as I'd hoped you would." I blush at his words and he gives me a soft smile. "Do you want me to continue?" I nod but he just shakes his head slightly. "Words Sweetheart, I want you to talk to me." I don't quite understand why he wants me to talk but decide to just go with it. "Yes." I say but he still looks at me expectantly. "Please continue." I add, hoping this is what he's waiting for. It is, because not even a second later his lips are back on my skin. He continues his light touches down my chest to my nipple. He lets his tongue glide over it, making me moan in pure ecstasy. "You like that, huh?" his voice sounds different now, kind of husky in a way though still gentle. I can't respond, my mind completely blank. I can feel his lips moving across my chest to the other nipple, repeating the action. My back slightly arches unintentionally and it kind of feels like my body has gone into autopilot, moving completely on its own. My mind feels foggy, all thoughts fusing into a cloud of pleasure hanging over my concience. Chan keeps going and by the time he reaches my v-line I'm nothing but a moaning mess, feeling asthough I might pass out. Chan's hand moves  between my legs at some point but I honestly hardly even registered it, too focused on the way my body started to feel more and more like jello with every new touch. He stopped and I could feel his eyes on me. "Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?" I might feel like a complete mess right now and my mind might not be working at its full capacity but stopping is the last thing I want him to do right now. So I blurt out a "No!" unable to even look him in the eye. "Are you sure? You seem a little overwhelmed." he sounds really worried but I really don't want him to stop. "Yes, I'm sure. Please don't stop, it feels so good." I reassure him and now there is a faint smile on his lips. "I'm glad you're able to enjoy it this time but tell me if anything changes." I nod and this time it seems to be enough for him to start again. He sits up after pressing another soft kiss to my lips. "Is it okay if I take off your trousers?" his hand is resting on my thigh while he's waiting for an answer. "Yeah." I say in a breathy voice, making eye-contact for the first time in a while. His hand moves to untie the bow and I lift my hips slightly so he can pull them down, taking them off and placing them somewhere beside him. His hand slowly starts moving up my now bare thigh, and I let out a soft moan, closing my eyes. He keeps caressing my thighs for a while, occasionally placing soft kisses on my lower stomach. He places a few kisses on my hipbone, creating a different kind of pleasure, one that makes me feel even hotter and needier than anything he did before. He does it a few more times, until my boxers start feeling slightly wet. Chan immediately notices, looking up at my embarrassed face. "Don't be embarrassed Baby, let's just take these off, if that's okay." he says and I blush even more at the thought of Chan seeing me completely naked. Nonetheless, I agree and let him take them off carefully. "Are you okay with me touching it?" he's so caring it makes me want to cry but I keep it together and answer softly. "Yes, but please be gentle, I'm kind of scared." I say, to which he places a hand on my cheek. "Was I ever not gentle?" he asks, sounding genuinely concerned. "No, I-I didn't mean it like that, I'm just nervous." I say, trying to explain. "Okay, don't worry I'll be careful. As I keep saying if at any point you want me to stop, please tell me." I nod and he slowly puts his hand around my erection. I hiss at the sensation, his warm hand combined with the cold air sending shivers up my spine. He starts pumping slowly and it doesn't take long for me to turn into a shivering, moaning mess, looking for release from the pressure steadily building in my pelvis. After a few more minutes of praising and calling me names like: Angel, Baby, Sweetheart and Darling, as well as increasing both pressure and speed of his movement, I can feel the pressure slowly disappearing and being replaced by an overwhelming sense of relive that is washing over my body like waves at the beach. I relax into the mattress breathing heavily, unable to see anything for a bit. When my eyes finally decide to work again, the first thing I see is Chan kneeling next to me on the bed. "Are you okay?" he asks and I need a second to process his words. "Yeah, I'm good just a little dizzy." I feel him press a comforting kiss to my forehead and close my eyes. "I'm gonna give you a minute to calm down." he strokes my arm softly as he speaks. Once my head stops spinning and my heart beat is somewhat back to normal, I open my eyes looking right into Chan's, since he's now leaning over me. "Better now?" he asks and I just nod. "Shall we get you cleaned up then?" I nod again, wiping some hair out of my face. "Please don't tell me I have to move." I whine, making him laugh. "No Baby, don't worry you don't have to move an inch. I'll take care of you." his words make my heart flutter a little and I blush. "No need to get shy now, aftercare is important, in this case to show care and comfort." he explains with a smile. He grabs some tissues and starts wiping my belly of the white substance, an eye on me at all times. Once he's done, he lies down next to me, pulling me into his arms. "How was it for you?", "Good, much better than last time. I felt a lot less stressed about it because you really took the time to prepare me for what was coming, which I think made it a lot easier to handle even though it was so much more intense." I answer, resting my head against his chest. "I think I almost passed out at one point." I tell him, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Really?! You should've said something, I would've slowed down or given you a moment to calm down." he pulls me closer to his chest and presses a kiss to the top of my head. Being so close to him, I can feel his hard on against my stomach and feel a little guilty. "What about you?" I ask quietly. "What about me, Sweetheart?" he sounds confused. "Do you need me to... you know?" Why is it so hard to say? "Ohh! No no, don't worry about that. I'll take care of it later." he answers giggling.

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