Chapter 24 large fight

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Narrator: after Ezra father master Mon had wave them goodbye. Ezra woke up and checked his surroundings he looks to his right noticing that the calendar is almost to Mother's Day. Sigh came from Ezra. He heard the crew getting up. So Ezra lays back down. Not knowing what to do since he never experienced Mother's Day. Or outside activities. So he teleports outside and beings  to walked around the town in lothal. There he saw people playing outside with there toys or each other. Other were playing around by themselves. So Ezra turn into a fox and stare at town people of course of kid or a group of kids decide to mess around with him. Apparently Ezra started to hate so he started to turns into a giant wolf. A group of kids started scream and runs way while the other stay out and mess around Ezra to bark at them loud. Now the kid ran way and Ezra started to growl at them and left the town. Once we got back to the ghost other kids started to follow him. Now his crew started to suspect on what's going on so they went outside only see Ezra grabbing the kids and slamming them to the ground. The kids back up slowly and ran way taking there friends with them. Ezra growl at them angrily. So after the kids ran way Ezra went back to his original form. Ezra huffed and got inside the ship his fur was already pluck by kids so he grew them back up again. Kanan came in and sat next to Ezra which Ezra didn't realize he accidentally growled at kanan. Sigh *ezra went outside for a bit and stayed outside for while. * chopper went to go find Ezra he seem to realize the fox was Ezra. Ezra had a bad experience with people before. So chooper decided to wait for Ezra. Chopper grumble about something? Sigh I accidentally growled at kanan I didn't mean to. Chopper grumble again. Idk I just never like to be plucked at or be touch i was a shy kid with a hybrid to begin with. Chopper came down and waited for Ezra to come in the ship to eat. Which Ezra did and ate with the crew not taking his eyes off his fur. Sigh. So he got up and left knowing that something must've bothering him. Zeb,Sabine and kanan saw Ezra leaving the kitchen room. Alright be right back said kanan. Once kanan had found Ezra who's was on the roof top of the ghost he seem to be destress.mind if I set with you? Said kanan. Ezra nodded his head. I didn't mean to growl at you said Ezra. Ik you didn't mean to but what happened? Asked kanan. I don't wanna talk about said Ezra. Kanan nodded and saw that Ezra was fast sleep kanan was about to pick up Ezra but Ezra wince a little. Did something happen? Said kanan. No I got a little burn from my stomach I must've accidentally got electrocuted from making the gadget when I was 7.said Ezra

A/n this story is where Ezra got a bit angry from being plucked from the kids and hasn't been able to say much after his parents death Ezra has been dealing with depression but will often times sleep somewhere else or practice Jedi training and making gadgets.

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