Chapter 36 ezra and his famliy goes on a dangerous mission

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Narrator: in lothal it's was becoming to get dark since the mission will be in the morning. Ezra was on the couch thinking about who's was his parents friend and what had happened to them.

Each ghost crew went to bed while Ezra stays wake he couldn't sleep from the time being. Chopper who was a droid went to check up on everything. Soon he had found Ezra wide awake. Chopper grumble to Ezra about something. Ezra turn to his right and saw that chopper was with him. Oh it's nothing chopper. Said Ezra. But chopper wasn't buying it, sigh said Ezra, okay I couldn't sleep because something was bothering me reply's Ezra. Chopper told Ezra that's there is nothing to be worried about. Ezra nodded his head and lays back down to sleep.

Soon after that chopper went back to Hera room to charge during the night. In the meantime Ezra was moving around in his sleep. *turns into a wolf * Ezra had turn into a wolf and didn't even realize that is claws were out and sharp teeth where showing. [gasp!] Ezra woke up frighten in the middle of the night. Sigh can't sleep. He said to himself, so he got up and walked towards Kanan room. Kanan room door [opened\close] so when Ezra goes inside kanan room all he ever heard was snorting from kanan. Ezra got near the bed and saw that kanan hand were down while the other one was on the bed. Ezra gulped and nudged kanan hand. Kanan sirs a bit and was getting his eyes opened up but he didn't realize that ezra was in his room. Though something felt awkward between both of them, kanan was wondering why ezra was up this early in the middle of the night? Can I sleep with you said Ezra. Sure reply kanan. Ezra got on top of the bed and went far but not to far way from kanan. Ezra had slept on the end of the bed. Why are you sleeping at the end of the bed? Asked kanan. Oh I didn't wanna be disturbing for you to sleep. Replied Ezra come here said kanan. Ezra walked towards kanan. Kanan sits up and rubs ezra ears. What's wrong you seem upset about something. Asked/said kanan, ohh well it's just that I couldn't sleep and I been thinking about something said Ezra. Kanan nodded welp it's one clock in the morning said kanan. I'm gonna go back to sleep. He said. Ezra spin around and finally had gotten comfortable and slept near Kanan feet.

The next day

When everyone had gotten up and gets ready Ezra heard a howl from the town. So he got out of kanan room and ran down to the ramp after going outside he was met with his uncle. You called said Ezra, yes I called you here because you need to take this. Give it to your new family. Said uncle jhos. But what about you?? Reply Ezra. I'll be here said jhos. Ezra nodded and runs back to the ship. Once he got there something had stop Ezra. He soon turn around and was met with lily his mother sister.
Long time no seen niece said lily. [gasp] yeah replied Ezra. Ezra let's go. Shouted kanan. Ezra left in a flash before lily could get a chance to talk.

In the ghost ship while everyone is preparing for a mission

Once everyone was ready Ezra was constantly serious about this mission that his mother and father been on to. Ezra grabs the map it was for this mission. Alright setting course to the outer planet said Hera. Ezra was too focused on the map that his uncle had given him. Ezra didn't know that his eyes changed color. So he shook it out of his head and his eyes went back to normal. You alright? Asked zeb. Yeah said Ezra*not taking his eyes off the map* we gotta to Mandalore. The ship stop and well everyone looks at Ezra. What? He asked. Sigh Sabine and looks at the map that Ezra was holding. Where did you get that map? Said Sabine, jhos give it to me and beside it's was my parents that went on to this mission and unknown friend knows my parents. Replied Ezra. Sabine was looking at the map. Ezra you do know this was in the outer rim right? Said Sabine. Yes I-*faints * Ezra?! Said Sabine, once she had caught him. What happened? Said everyone, *ugh*said Ezra, you alright? Asked/said Sabine.Ezra went to the bathroom to puke. They all heard puking from ezra who's was puking after he had pass out. I'm gonna go check up on ezra said kanan. Once kanan had gotten to the restroom or bathroom, there he saw ezra in his teen wolf Ezra? Said kanan. I'm fine *he wasn't fine * you sure. Said kanan yeah reply Ezra.

A few hours later

When the ghost crew arrived at the planet that was home to the Mandalore. Ezra was sniffing around the place looking for a his parents friend. Who are said a unknown person. Ezra got spook and bark out loud. And of course his family had heard him. Ezra said kanan. A strange person [gasp] wait your the son of phantom and spirit

A/n Ezra parents are phantom and spirit

Ezra growl at them what happened to this mission that my parents avoided in Mandalore. The strange person told Ezra to follow him/her but Ezra won't move. So the strange man was name saw Gerrera. Ezra shows his teeth at him. Why did my parents avoided this mission that we are on. *unleashes his lightsaber* whoa hey! Said Saw I'll tell if you follow me. He said, ain't no way I'm following you my parents knew what you were up too I can smell it and see it Ezra snarls at saw. Sigh fine (Saw throws his items out of his pocket towards Ezra ) so Ezra took them and still growled at Saw. Oh come on what did I do this time now. Ezra "growl" sigh fine here take this. *there was something with this lightsaber and Ezra just knows it * that's all said Saw. Ezra let's go we got what we needed said kanan. Ezra walked back to the ghost and Saw was about to shoot zeb. But before he could do that Ezra turn around and bites Saw and soon he ragdoll Saw harder. AHH! Help!!! Shouted Saw. Everyone turn around and saw Ezra eyes turn red (not actually red ) Ezra was swinging/slamming Saw on the ground multiple times alright alright alright!!!! You win let go said Saw no you tried to kill my brother. Said Ezra. Please have mercy said Saw. Soon Ezra drops Saw and walks back keeping a close eyes on his family.

Everyone saw Ezra pass out near the ghost. Hey! Said zeb. Ezra! Said Sabine, Ezra?!?! Shouted Hera & kanan so each crew ran towards Ezra body luckily he was still's just that his power from being a fox & wolf can't deal with the air in Mandalore. So zeb picks up Ezra and brought him back to the ghost. Zeb get Ezra to the med bay said Hera, I'm on it replied zeb.

Next chapter the ghost crew took ezra to the med Bay while on the ship the ghost crew  had to return home in lothal.

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