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Karen's POV

      Suzu and I just moved into our new apartment when I saw that the sink in the bathroom was not working. I heard the tv turn on and I saw a jingle with these two guys called the Mario brothers. "Mommy." Suzu said as her long hair was in her face. "Well it wouldn't hurt to call them. After all they are plumbers and we need someone to fix the sink." I said as I typed the number on my phone. I called the number and someone awnsered. "Yes my sink is broken do you think you could fix it?" I asked with politeness. "Of course ma'am." He said. "Thank you so much." I said as I told them my address.

Luigi's POV

      Mario and I left to the address and we saw a young woman with a small little kid. "Karen Nightwing." Mario said. "That's me." She said as she opened the door. We saw moving boxes as I saw the little girl look at us in awe. Karen showed us the bathroom and she took her daughter away to check out her room. Mario and I got to work and we fixed the sink without any problems. We got paid and we went home with pride. "Our first job and it went so well." Mario said. "Well we had to run because the truck broke down." I said as we left the apartment and I saw a figure in a black hoodie and they seemed to be watching us. I shrugged it off as Mario and I went home but got another call.

Karen's POV

     Suzu and I made sandwiches for dinner and we turned on the news to show a flooding. "Maybe they'll get the two nice men to help." Suzu said as I patted her braided hair. "Yeah I hope so too." I said as I heard knocking. "Mommy?" Suzu asked. I went to the door after pulling a pocket knife out of my boot. I tapped my head twice and Suzu quietly ran to grab a jacket and her bag. I looked at the peephole only to see a figure wearing a black coat. "My boyfriend is here!" I yelled hoping that would scare them. "Oh you moved on Karen." They said and I felt fear. "No." I whispered. "Come on My Thorn Princess. Let me in so that we can talk." She said. "I have nothing to say to you! You're the one who pulled a knife at me when we broke up. All because you couldn't accept the fact I wanted to live my own life without you." I said as I heard her yell and she stabbed a knife through the door. I grabbed Suzu and we both left through the fire escape.

      We both ran and hid in the sewers using the small flood to cover our scents. She's that crazy. We heard sounds and I saw the two plumbers from before. "What are you doing here?" Mario asked. "Hiding from my crazy ex girlfriend." I said as I put Suzu down and she went to a large green pipe with Luigi looking too. "What about you?" I asked him. "Tried to fix a pipe." He said as  we heard a sound. I looked at the pipe and I did not see Suzu or Luigi. "Suzu." I called but nothing. "Lu." Mario called. We ran to the pipe and a strong wind sucked us in. I saw Suzu screaming. "Mommy!" She yelled. "Suzu, I want you to be a good girl and listen to Luigi. Ok!" I yelled as a vortex took her and Luigi into a black cloud while Mario and I went through another. "Suzu!" I called. "Mommy!" She yelled.

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