A bond formed

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Suzu's POV

      I was currently in Papa Bowser's kart as he was taking me to his castle while mama was at work saying she'll be home late due to an important meeting. Papa parked his kart and I removed the helmet I had on. "Your mom always asks you to wear a helmet?" He asked as he helped me out of the kart. "No I always wear a helmet in any thing that isn't a car." I said. "Oh." He said. "Any homework?" He asked. "Just some science and math." I said. "Ok." He said. "I'll be fine." I said as we got inside the castle. "How has school been?" He asked. "Normal." I said as I gently grabbed the strap of my bag.

Bowser's POV

     I saw Suzu's shift and knew she was lying. "Are you being  picked on?" I asked her. "Just some older kids." She said. "What do they do?" I asked her. "Put  lot of salt in my food, when I bring my own lunch they try to steal my bento box, then other than that it's just tripping me." She said. "Does your mom know?" I asked her. "I've been keeping it to myself." She said. "Why?" I asked. "Because mom is finally happy and I don't want to ruin that by saying I'm being picked on by three older kids." She said. "Suzu." I said. "I'll be fine." She said.

Time Skip

Suzu's POV

    I was now at school and the older kids 2 boys and 1 girl in the high school division dragged me outside and now had me pinmed against the wall. "Your worst than a teacher's pet." The boy said as the girl was going through my bag until they were frozen. "Troy, Kelly, and Gracie." I saw mom, papa Bowser, and Kamek. "Mom." I said as I ran to her and hugged her. "What's going on here?" The Principle asked. "Your star football players  and cheerleader were  bullying and picking on my daughter and I have enough evidence to file harassment charges against the three of them." Mom said as I saw the shock on their faces. "Karen we can't you'll ruin." "They ruined their own lives the second they chose to bully a 7 year old child." My mom said as papa grabbed my bag and I hugged him. "Thank you papa Bowser." I said. "Your welcome Suzu." He said. "Karen we can talk this out after all this is harmless." "Harmless." Karen said as she walked to the woman. "This is my daughter's medical bracelet that you stole from her 3 days ago." Karen said as she took the bracelet back. "Well children shouldn't be wearing." "This medical bracelet informs the doctor that Suzu has a weak immune system and if I'm not with her then my number is on it so the hospital can call me and inform me that my daughter is there." Mom said. "Not my fault it looked nice and shiny." The teenage girl said as I saw Bowser release smoke from his nose. "Karen we can." "No Principle Taylor. These three are going to learn on way or another." My mom said. "Do that Karen and you'll be fired." She said. "No because I quit." Karen said as the Police came. "Those three gentlemen." Mom said as Kamek sent the spell away and the three tried ro run away but Bowser stopping them with his glare and they froze.

Bowser's POV

      "Blue one." Suzu said as we were currently sitting outside a cafe watching cars. "Karen are you sure you'll be ok?" I asked. "I won't support a school that teaches it's ok to bully and pick on small kids." Karen said as I saw her grip her cup and I saw her eyes red. "Did it happen to you?" I asked. "One boy kept snapping my bra and I told him to stop. Told the teacher and he did nothing. So the boy did it again and I punched him in the face. I broke his nose and we both were at the office. My sister Ruby came as a witness and our parents were called in. My mom came and she defended me. She tore the kids parents, the teacher, and the principal apart. Then she took Ruby and I home for the day and called the Super Attendant and informed them of what that school did. It was so funny." Karen said as I saw her eyes change back. "Your eyes?" I asked. "Only turn red when I am mad." She said. "Well they are beautiful too." I said as she blushed a little. "How many cars Suzu?" Karen asked. "8 blue, 4 red, 3 yellow, 6 silver, and 1 white." Suzu said. "So what are you going to do?" I asked her. "Well one thing I'm reporting Taylor to the super attendant, then pull Suzu out of that school, since those three kids parents are well connected and I fear they'll make their kids bully Suzu, then find a different school, then I need to get another job." Karen said. "What about your home?" I asked. "Peach gave it to me so I'm fine." She said sipping her hot cocoa. "Papa?" I looked at Suzu. "Thank you." She said. "Your welcome." I said.

Karen's POV

    I smiled at the scene in front of me until my phone went off. "I got to take this." I said as I left the table and  accepted the call. "I already informed them and that Principle along with the staff are going to be investigated." Said a familier voice. "Thank you mom." I said. "Hey I'll do what ever it takes to protect my family." She said. "Hey mom did you really fall for a grim reaper?" I asked as I heard her phone drop. "Mom?" I asked but the call ended. I went back to the table and I smiled seeing Suzu coloring with Bowser. 'He's a good dad.' I thought.

Never mess with a mother. (Bowser x oc)Where stories live. Discover now