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Karen's POV

      I fixed my jacket and hair as Suzu was getting her bag packed for her overnight trip at Peach's castle. "Now Suzu are you sure that you'll be fine with Peach tonight?" I asked her. "Mama I'll be fine." Suzu said as I quickly looked over my outfit. "I feel over dressed." I said. "Mama you look fine. Mr. Bowser will love it." Suzu said as I fixed my necklace. I heard a knocking on my door and Suzu opened it. "Mr. Bowser!" Suzu said as she hugged him. "Hey Suzu is your mom ready?" He asked as I looked and he was wearing a white tux with a hat. 'Ok Karen. You can do this. You dated before. You can do this!' I thought as I fixed my glasses. I walked to the door and I saw Bowser give Suzu to Peach. "Hope I don't look bad." I said.

Bowser's POV

   I looked at Karen and she looked stunning. "No you look absolutely beautiful." I said as she fixed her hair behind her ear then her glasses. "Thank you." She said. "Have fun mama, Mr Bowser." Suzu said as she and Peach went to Peach's castle. "Make sure she's asleep at 9 pm." Karen said. "Got it." Peach said as Karen watched with worry. I held my hand out to her. "Shall we?" I said. "Of course." She said as she put her hand in mine. We went to my castle for our date where Kamek got a table set up and food was prepared. "This is amazing." Karen said. "Well I want to give you a fresh chance on dating." I said. "Thank you." She said as I blushed. She smiled as we sat down in our chairs after I pushed her to the table when she sat down. "So Karen what do you do?" I asked her. "I'm a school teacher. Ever since I was young I wanted to work with kids. My original dream was to be a mom. But I went to a doctor and they said that it would be a miracle if I had a baby. So I decided to be a teacher." She said. "Karen." I said. "I'm fine though. After I broke up with my girlfriend and I found Suzu. We moved to Brooklyn and I got a job teaching then this happened. You really became her hero. She looks up to you." She said. I felt warmth that a little girl looked up to me and sees me a hero. "She also looks up to you too." I said as she looked at me. "You are teaching her skills she can use to survive and are giving her love and care. You're a good mom." I said as she looked at me and a tear fell from her eye. "Ah I'm sorry!" I said. "It's fine. You know it's weird to hear that I'm doing a good job as a mom from someone who barely a few months ago I wanted to kick in the face." She said. "Seriously?" I asked. "This was before you saved my daughter." She said. "Well I'm thankful." I said as we ate our meal.

      "So Karen what do you want to do now?" I asked. "Well do you still want to continue seeing me? And possibly keep going out but nothing major like this except once in a while. Maybe a simple coffee date." She said blushing a little. "It's cute." I said. She smiled as I saw Kamek. "You are a good mother never doubt that." I said as the two of us left the table and went outside the 

doors for me to take her home only to see two karts. "How about a quick drive first?" She said as she got on her motorcycle. "Sure. A slow cruise." I said as she laughed. "No." She said taking off. I got on my kart and followed after her.


Suzu's POV

      Peach, Luigi, Mario, DK, and I were watching a mom and Mr Bowser from a camera a flying Koopa was holding. "Come on Bowser I thought you'd have more fire power." Mom said as she drove across some blocks above the lake. "Oh it's on!" Bowser said as he got his kart to reach mom's. "Mr. Bowser looks so happy and so does mom." I said as Peach messed with my hair. "Yeah they both look happy, and you are hoping for something aren't you?" Peach asked. "I want Mr. Bowser to be my papa." I said quietly. "Aww Suzu." Luigi said. "He treats mommy nicely, he helped save my life, he protected us, and if it wasn't for him I'd be dead." I said. "Kid." Mario said. "Hey if the kid says she believes in Bowser then who am I to say no." DK said as I hugged the Gorilla. "Thank you Mr DK." I said yawning. "Ok time for someone to go to bed." Peach said as DK carried me to the guest room.

Karen's POV

     Bowser and I drove back to my house and we both were smiling. "You know Bowser this has been very fun." I said. "I'm happy you had fun Suzu. Also these are for you." He said as he held a Piranah plant at me. "Hello." I said as I gently took it and it purred. "I love it." I said petting it's head and it loved the affection. "Put it in a pot and water it. Then it will last." He said. "I will." I said as he left. "I think I like him." I said as I put the plant in a pot woth soil and gave it water. "Have a good night." I said as I went to my room and changed into my pjs. 'That was the first time at a date I didn't feel forced. It was so natural to talk to him, and the fact he didn't judge my job.' I thought as I smiled.

Never mess with a mother. (Bowser x oc)Where stories live. Discover now