A hero.

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Luigi's POV

      We were still in Suzu's room only joined by a gorilla and he saw Suzu. "That crazy woman did this?" He asked. We all nodded. "She even has a weapon and if we don't do what she says she'll hurt her even more." Bowser said as I grabbed the locket. "Come on lion. You came out before. What's stopping you now?" I said. "Lion?" They asked. "A lion came out of this before. But it hasn't now." I said. We heard the sound of wings and we saw a flying turtle. "Sire a flaming ball of fire is coming." He said. "Karen." Peach said. "Don't attack. Instead try to get everyone even the prisoners to safety." Bowser said. The turtle nods and flys away.

Bowser's POV

     The woman barges in looking very mad. "Where is she?!" She yelled. "She was on the bridge. She's possibly in the ocean and got eaten." Peach said as she held the weapon at Suzu. "Then I have no need of this brat." She said as I whacked her with my tail. "Get Suzu out of here!" I yelled as Kamek used his magic to send them away but us to the throne room. "Why? You finally got your princess?!" She yelled. "I'm not going to let you harm that little girl anymore!" I yelled. "That little girl is the only thing stopping me from getting my love!" She yelled as she looked around and I heard music. "Is that boss music?" She asked. The doors were barged opened and I saw a vision of beauty with fire literally surrounding her. (The song is called Dynasties & Dystopia)

      "Karen!" She yelled in joy as she ran to the woman only to get kicked away. "Karen?" She asked. "Ophelia I am so mad at you! You have ruined everything!" She yelled. "Karen please." She said as Karen had red flames coming from one of her eyes. "Now you threatened and are trying to kill my daughter. I am done!" She said. "Fine then." Ophelia said as she pressed a button. "Let's go back to Brooklyn." She said as we heard an explosion. I grabbed Karen and held her close as we got sucked into a rainbow portal.

Luigi's POV

       I held Suzu close as we were suddenly back in Brooklyn. I looked around only to see Mario getting shot at by the crazy woman while Bowser was using his fire to keep the woman in one place. "Suzu!" I saw Karen and she ran to us. "My poor baby." She said as she gently held her. "Mommy." Suzu said. "Suzu?" She said. "I was a good girl." She said. "You are always a good girl Suzu. I love you and I will always be proud of you. My little Bell." She said as she got up. "Luigi get the super star and use it with Mario." She said as she got up.

Bowser's POV

     I felt my arm get grabbed. "Stay with Suzu. I'm ending this." I saw Karen walk up to Ophelia flames back around her again. I saw as Mario and Luigi go to grab the Super Star. "Oh you finally came to. Now we can be together just like we planned." She said. "No more like what you planned! I had zero say in our relationship. You kept me chained and made me feel like a prisoner! Now I am free and I refuse to let you or anyone else make me feel like that again!" She yelled as Mario and Luigi stood by her side. I ran and picked up Suzu. She grabbed my spike arm band and was coughing. I heard the gun go off so I shielded Suzu using my shell. We saw a large cloud of dust and Ophelia was on the ground knocked out. But Karen fell and I saw why she got shot.

Time skip brought to you by Diddy Kong and Suzu coloring while being watched by DK.

Karen's POV

      I woke up in the hospital and I saw in the bed next to me Suzu. "Suzu." I said. "She wouldn't leave your side." I saw a turtle creature. "Thank you so much for protecting my daughter." I said as I motioned him to come closer. I kissed his cheek and smiled. "You are going to be her hero for a long time." I said. "I'm Bowser." He said. "Karen. Karen Nightwing." I said as Suzu woke up. "Mommy?" She said as I tried to get out of the bed but I fell but Bowser caught me and helped me walk to the bed. "Mommy!" She said with joy as she grabbed my hand. "I am so proud of you for being brave." I told her. "Mommy can we keep him?" She asked me. "Umm who?" I asked. "Mr. Bowser." She said. "Suzu." I said. "He's fire like you. He also plays the piano. I heard him." She said. "I'd thought you'd play a guitar or something not a piano." I said. "Hey." He said. "Please mommy." She said. "Suzu." I said. "Karen!" I saw my twin sister Ruby and already she had her katana out and pointing at Bowser. "He protected Suzu and me." I said as she but the sword away. "Alright." She said. Bowser got me to my bed and Ruby was talking to Suzu. "What now?" I asked. "Well I have a small thing I'd like to ask you." Bowser said.

Never mess with a mother. (Bowser x oc)Where stories live. Discover now