Take a hint!

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(This popped into my head so enjoy it. And the song it Take a Hint by Victorious.)

Karen's POV

      I checked my phone as I waited outside the place my friend and I were supposed to meet up. A popular resturant with karaoke. "Karen!" I saw my friend Opal, her blonde hair tied in a braided ponytail to show her bright blue eyes her leaf green dress making her modest. "Opal." I said as she hugged me. "Oh where's my niece Suzu?" She asked. "With Bowser." I said. "Bowser?" She asked. "I'll explain inside." I said. She's not related to me but Suzu calls her Aunt Opal and she calls Suzu her niece. We went inside and got a table by the bar. "Ok girl spill the beans." She said. "Ok so."

Time skip.

       I finished telling Opal what happened and she groaned. "I really hope mother and father punish Ophelia." She said. "And how has Odile been. Since you know she now has to take over?" I asked. "Very happy you know my older sister has been working hard to reach where she is. Our oldest sister being unable to take over to insanity is the icing on the cake. Ophelia would've ran us to the ground if she took over." Opal said taking a sip from the iced tea she ordered while I enjoyed my Strawberry mix. "Hello ladies." We saw two men. One tall and lanky wearing purple, and the other a short guy in yellow. "A rose for a beautiful lady." The purple man said as he held a rose to Opal and she looked so uncomfortable. "Your making my friend uncomfortable." I said. "Oh come on we are just trying to be nice." The yellow guy said. "Come on Opaline let's leave." I said. "Aww but we just got here." The purple guy said. "And you two are making the both of us uncomfortable. Now leave us alone." I said calmly. "How about we sing a song together?" The purple guy said. "Well Opaline how about we show these boys." I teased. "Yeah let's Karen." She said as I saw the glint behind her eyes.

      We reached the guy and lookeed over the song book. "T305." I said as the guy saw the two boys. "Put those guys in their place. They've been coming here and we can't kick them out or else our boss gets mad." The dj said. The music started and Opal and I grabbed the mics. (So Karen sings Kat's lines while Opal sings Victoria's lines.)

     We finished singing and the two men walked out clearly defeated and Opal and I high fived each other. "So you and Bowser never knew you were into Turtles." She teased as we paid our bill. "He's really nice to Suzu and protected her and kept her safe to his best abilites. He took bullets for her Opal. Under that hard rock shell is a nice guy." I said. "So Luigi is he single?" She asked. "You my dear elf friend need to ask him that yourself." I said as she giggled. "So who were those guys anyway?" She asked. "Don't know, don't care, we put them in their place, and hopefully we never see them again." I said.


Normal POV

      Wario and Waluigi were at an icecream shop drowning their sorrows in icecream.

Never mess with a mother. (Bowser x oc)Where stories live. Discover now