Pride Month Special.

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(For everyone.)

Karen's POV

     I was asleep in bed until I felt someone jump in my bed. "Ah!" I said shocked and it was Suzu. "Suzu." I said. "Today's the event mom." She said. "Oh my gosh!" I said getting out of bed and getting dressed. I got my Bi flag pin on when the door was knocked on. "Papa!" Suzu yelled as she opened the door. Suzu hugged Bowser and I smiled. "You ready?" He asked. I nodded as we took a pipe to go to Brooklyn and I saw tents with flags, pins, and many more things. "Mom there's your pin." Suzu said as Mario, Luigi, Peach, and DK came. "Hey guys." I said as Suzu hugged DK and the big guy gently hugged her back. "Uncle Mario, Uncle Luigi!" She said as she hugged the two men. She calls then uncles because they are like uncles to her. "So what is this for?" Bowser asked. "This event is planned for those who are different. Like me. I'm Bisexual. Which means I like male and females as a partner. Or over there. Lesbians, gays, and those who are Asexual. Like that girl with the cat ears over there." I said seeing a brown haired girl with cat ears and tail getting an Asexual pride flag. (That's me.)  "It's a place to feel safe." I explained as Suzu held my hand then Bowser's. We both smiled as we walked around the event. I even got a shirt with my pride flag on it. "Karen!" I got hugged by my twin sister Ruby. "Ruby!" I said with joy as I hugged her. "It's been forever." She said as I saw her short red hair. "Auntie Ruby!" Suzu said as she hugged Ruby. "Hey Squirt!" She said picking up Suzu and hugging her. "Karen who is this?" Bowser asked me. "My sister Ruby." I said. "Ah sister. Wait sister?!" He said. I saw him get nervous and scared. "Don't worry Ruby isn't that bad." I said. We found a place to sit and relax and I had fun catching up with my sister all while Bowser was pushing Suzu on the swings. "I like this guy better than her." Ruby said. "Same. Bowser adores Suzu. He protected her when I couldn't, helped me finally put Ophelia away, and he doesn't mind that I am Bi. He is a great guy." I said. I heard Ruby giggle. "What?" I asked. "Nothing it's just I'm just so happy that you can speak so positivly again. After Ophelia I'd thought you would not be open to dating again. But here you are. I'd say go for it." Ruby said as I heard a scream. I looked and saw a woman with Bowser and Suzu yelling at him. "Hey!" I yelled as I ran to them. "Away from my daughter." I said.

Bowser's POV

     Karen walked between us and the woman while her sister was recording on her phone. "Ha see not even this woman." "Are you ok Suzu? Bowser?" She asked the both of us. "That mean lady said that papa kidnapped me, and that I should be with my own kind." Suzu said small tears in her gray eyes. "She yelled at me and tried to grab Suzu but I told her to leave us alone." I told Karen. "What gives you the right to try and take a little girl away from her mother's boyfriend?" Karen asked calmly. "Well I just think that she would do better with a normal family." The woman said. "You are digging yourself a grave lady." Ruby said. "What gives you the right to take my daughter?" Karen asked her again. The woman was frozen. "Leave us alone." Karen warned as the woman ran away in fear. "Keep that and send it to me please Ruby. If she tries pressing assult charges we'll have evidence to say other wise." Karen said. "Ya got it baby sis." She said. "We're twins Ruby." Karen said as I gave Suzu to her. "You were so brave." She said. "How about we go home and watch some movies? Does that sound good?" She asked us. "Sure." I said as Suzu nodded. We went to Karen's apartment while Ruby said she was going home. We were now in the living room watching a movie and mid way through it Suzu fell asleep. "Thank you so much for protecting her." Karen said. "Hey, Suzu has grown on me. She's a really great kid with an amazing mother." I said as she smiled.

Never mess with a mother. (Bowser x oc)Where stories live. Discover now