Time for karts and sick.

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(If you get the motorcycle Karen has you are a cultured person.)

Karen's POV

        We walked into a large building and I saw a ton of karts being made. I saw a how Peach, Mario, and Toad made their karts and I got mine a red motorcycle with flames decorating the side and my Zodiac symbol Leo on the sides. "Its been years since I drove a motorcycle." I said, as I put a helmet on and took the motorcycle out for a test drive. I crashed into some bushes a few times but I got back up and tried again.

Peach's POV

      I watched as Karen got back up only she was injured. "Karen your hurt!" I told her. "Oh I didn't notice." She replied as she moved her hand over the cut and it was gone. No scar even just the small trail of blood. She took off and I caught up with her on my bike. "What will you do when you see Bowser?" I asked her. "Fight him to get Suzu back. I will not let anyone hurt my daughter. Not after us being chased out of our home by my ex." She said. I put my hand on her shoulder and she looked at me. "We will get her back." I told her. "Thank you." She said.

Bowser's POV

      I went to check on Suzu only to see her pale, and barely breathing. I put my hand on her head and she was warm very very warm. "Kamek!" I yelled as he appeared. "Get the green human there's something wrong with Suzu!" I said with panic. "On it sire." He said as he left. "Suzu." I said as she was unresponsive. The green man came and he did the same thing. "She needs a doctor. I'm just a plumber." He said. "Sire, one of our men found this." Kamek said as he showed a needle. "Someone did this. Look a needle mark." He said as we saw a small thing on her arm. "Kamek find the intruder someone did this on purpose find them and lock them up." I said. "Maybe it's the person who was wearing the black hoodie. I saw them outside Karen's apartment building." Luigi said as Suzu opened her eyes. "She's here." Suzu weakly wake them she went back to sleep. "Find her, you stay here and watch Suzu." I said as I saw Luigi use ice and water in a cloth to try and get her fever down. I left the room and sighed. 'This woman is going to pay.' I thought.

Never mess with a mother. (Bowser x oc)Where stories live. Discover now