The Jungle Kingdom and Karen's wrath.

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(Literallynwriting this while watching the old Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory. It was made in 1971 way before I was born but II grew up watching it on the VHS. Well enjoy this.)

Karen's POV

     Mario, Peach, and Toad thankfully forgot about what I said at the tree and we soon reached a jungle like area and we saw large doors. Peach knocked on the doors as a gorilla in a white suit came out screaming and Toad hid beind Peach, she looked ready to fight, and Mario was screaming. He soon stopped and I sighed. "We need to speak to your leader if that's ok. Our familes were taken by Bowser and we need help." I said as he looked at me. I grabbed a photo out of my pocket. "My daughter. She's only 7 years old." I said showing him the photo. The gorilla looked at it and then me. "Follow me." He said. "Huh she's adorable." Peach said once she saw the picture. "My sister Ruby took this photo after Suzu's adoption was finalized. Her and my mom adore her and love her." I said as I put the photo in my pocket. We saw him go into a really nice kart. "Hop in." He said. "Ok sweet kart." I said with joy. I got in the back with Mario and Peach. I held Toad as the kart took off. we went by many gorilla's in karts and I smiled seeing this place. "Suzu would love this place." I said. The kart drove off a ramp only for a hang glider to get us to the top of the waterfall. The kart stopped and we stepped off. "Thank you so much." I said. "I hope you get your kid back." He said as he drove off.

      We were in the throne room and I saw an older gorilla with a gold crown. "Great and mighty Cranky Kong." Peach said. "So I heard you need my help to save this woman's daughter and who else?" Cranky said. "To save his brother." I said as he looked at me. "And why should we help?" He asked. "Well Bowser is heading to the Mushroom Kingdom and once it's gone he'll come to your kingdom and destroy it the same with hers. Unless he is stopped. We need to work together to fight Bowser and show him that just because he has the Super Star he is not strong or powerful." I said. "What makes you think you're worthy of fighting alongside the greatest army in the world?" He said. 'Maybe here. But back home the royal army would wipe the floor with you guys.' I thought. "Because if you don't help then you'll be showing Bowser that you are cowards." I said as everyone gasped. "Oh you did not say that." He said. "I did. Now are you going to be cowards and hide in the jungle or be warriors and fight?" I said. "Alright girl you want my army then you'll have to defeat my son in the Great Ring of Kong!" He said. "Fine, and don't call me girl. It's Karen." I said as Peach grabbed my wrist. "Karen you're going to get killed." Peach said. "No I won't." I said taking off my glasses and giving them to Toad. "Watch them and make sure they do not break." I said as he nodded. "Trust me Peach. I can do this." I said.

Mario's POV

     Peach, Toad, and I were in the stands until I saw her walk out unafraid with her hair down bangs covering her eyes. I was scared and worried for her as everyone was booing at her. We heard a growl as the doors under us opened.


      I ran out the gate and saw the woman in front of me no emotions from her as I saw showing off. "Simmer down that means you Diddy Kong!" Dad yelled at my nephew as he settled down. I heard a giggle and saw the woman. "He's adorable." She said looking at him with a kind smile. "Now since I want this fight to last more than five seconds I put Power Ups around the arena. Your welcome Karen." He said. "I don't need anything special to win against her!" I said. I charged at her only for her to jump and hit me on the head with her boot. She landed as she tied her hair up and I saw her eyes scarlet red. "Hey!" I yelled. "What I thought you were going to win?" She said as I charged at her again but she jumped to a Power Block. "Come on land a hit ot something are you just going to be dodging the entire time?!" I yelled. She smirked and pointed up. A cloud covered the sun and something punched me in the face. "I saw the woman with flames around her arm. "Oh now your fired up huh!" I said. "I've always have been. But I just can't show it!" She said as the flames crawled to her back and became wings! "Wait Fire Flowers can't do that!" I yelled. "Who said I'm using a Power Up?" She said as she drew a large ring. "Leo's Wrath!" She yelled as a large fire ball in the shape of a lion's head came out of the ring and  came at me. I tried to run but it ate me?! I came out of it and I felt some parts of my fur singed.

      I heard a sound only to see a guy in a yellow cat suit. "Mario why are you in a cat suit?" I heard Karen asked. "I didn't want you to have all the fun." He said. "You got the cat box!" I said laughing. I try to punch the man only he was dodging my punches and he scratched my cheek. I was throwing a couple of barrels only to get kicked off the beam by the woman. I landed on some bricks and the woman was standing in front of me. "You done?" She asked. "No." I said trying to punch her but I almost fel off if the woman hadn't grabbed my tie. "Yes you are." She said pulling me forward and I blacked out.

Karen's POV

       I left the ring, sending the flames away and Toad gave me my glasses back. I went to find Peach, and Mario when I bumped into someone. I looked  to see the small monkey called Diddy I think. "Hello." I said kneeling to his height. "You were so cool." He ssid. "Thank you. But I only fought to get my daughter back. She's only a kid." I said. "Your a good mom." He said. "Thank you." I said as Diddy climbed up my back and clung into me. I giggled as I found my friends. "Karen, what aren't you telling us? I mean we just saw you do something and it's not a Power Up." Peach said. "It's called Magic. I can use it very well unlike my sister Ruby. She was more of a physical fighter while I used spells." I said as I drew a ring and a bubble of water came out of it as DK kicked the door down and the water bubble sprayed him. "I let them win for the record." He said. "Why?" I asked. "Maybe because I feel sorry for a mom who lost her daughter." He said. I grabbed his tie and made him look at my eye. "My daughter isn't lost. She's in the Dark Lands with Bowser." I said with anger in my tone and I know I just scared him. "Enough!" Cranky said as he broke up the stair down. "Diddy go home." DK told him. "But." Diddy said. "I'd listen to him. He just wants to make sure you are safe." I said gently as Diddy left to go home. "Your good with kids." He said. "Because I am a Preschool teacher, along with being a mom to an amazing little girl." I said as we went inside the hut. "We located Bowser's ship. He'll be at the Mushroom Kingdom in two days." Cranky said. "Then we need an ambush." I said. "I know a short cut to the path he'll have to use to reach the kingdom." He said. "Good." I said. "But first we need karts." He said.

Bowser's POV

    I went to check on the little girl and saw her singing out the window. She was holding the locket as she was singing. I saw her bag in a corner with paper and crayons. I picked up a piece of paper only to see a child drawing of her, a figure she called mom, and a black scribble of a being banging on the door with her mother blocking the door and Suzu with tear drops. "Mommy's ex came and attacked her. We ran to hide from her when we ended up here. I'm scared of her. What if she hurts my mommy." Suzu said. "Her?" I asked. "Mommy likes women and men. But she said she wants to make me happy. That she is taking a break." She said. "What did her ex do?" I asked her sitting on her bed. "She stabbed our door with a knife. I know how sharp they are because mommy gives me the safe knifes when we cook together." She said. "She's teaching you to cook?" I asked. "Living on the streets it's smart to learn life skills." She said. I patted her back. "Did she threaten you?" I asked her. "She threatened my mommy. I heard her." She said. 'Ok this ex needs to pay. No child deserves this.' I thought. I heard Kamek call for me so I looked at Suzu. "I need to go to Kamek." I said. "It's fine." She said as I left.

Normal POV

      Unknown to Bowser once he left Suzu's bedroom a figure wearing black went inside and in their pocket was needle. "Karen will be mine. I will make sure of that." The figure whispered as they injected Suzu with the stuff from the needle. "First to get rid of the brat." She said as she out the child in the bed and left. Throwing the needle out the window and thankfully it did not land in the lava.

Never mess with a mother. (Bowser x oc)Where stories live. Discover now