Christmas Special.

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Suzu's POV

     I saw my mom fly around the large tree Papa Bowser brought it using her ability to fly to get the tree decorated. "Ah Suzu." Mom said as she landed and her fire wings vanished. "That's a big tree." I said. "Well Bowser wanted a huge tree." Mom said. "Are we still gonna visit grandma Amber and get a log?!" I asked. "Oh your right thanks for reminding me honey!" Mom said as she dashed to her room. "Why a log?" Papa asked. "It's a special log that's important for us." I said. "How?" He asked. "Because when it's burning the flames change colors." I said. "Really?" He asked. "Yeah last year it turned ruby red, scarlet red, and white." I said. "Really?" He asked. "Yeah mom said that the flames change color because of the wish that was put in the log. Red was auntie Ruby, scarlet was mama, and white was me." I said. "So the more wishes that are put in the log the more colors." He said. "Only 1 wish can be put in the log by 1 person." I said. "Really?" He asked. "That's the rules of the log. Grandma Amber told me." I said. "Grandma Amber?" I saw Mr Mario, Mr Luigi, and Peach. "Ok we can go visit grandma and get a log. Maybe get some coal." Mama said. "Coal?" Peach asked. "It's crushed up oreos, and marshmellows." Mom said as she fixed her scarf. "Suzu mittens?" She asked. I grabbed my mittens from my pocket of my winter jacket and put them on. "Ok." She said. We started to walk out. "Wait your leaving now?" Papa Bowser asked. "Yes if we are going to be back before 5pm we need to leave now." Mama said. "How about we come too. After all your ex might have friends who might attack you." Mario said. "I second that." Papa said. "Third." Peach said. "Fourth." Luigi said. "Fine." Mama said.

Time Skip.

Bowser's POV

     I have no idea what happened one second we were at my castle and now we are standing in front of a huge gothic castle with a pair of lion statues at the front doors. Karen knocked on the door and it opened. "Let's go." She said walking in. We followed only for the doors to slam close on their own. I saw Karen put her head on her hand. "Mom really you want to scare my friends away." Karen said as the lights turned on and my jaw hit the floor. 'This is Karen's mother?! She looks young enough to be her sister.' I thought. "I'm Amber Nightwing." She said as I saw her bright blue eyes and the red hair she has. "I definatly see where Karen got her blue eye." I said. "Yes hetercromia rare but very lovely." She said as Karen fixed her glasses. "Ah there's my little fire ball!" She said picking up Suzu. "Grandma!" Suzu said hugging her. "Oh yeah and Karen your friend Opal is here picking out a log." Amber said. "Auntie Opal?" Suzu said. "Well Opal loves your logs mom." Karen said. Amber put Suzu down and turned to us. "Which one of you is Bowser?" She asked. "Me ma'am." I said. "Thank you for saving my granddaughter, and helping my daughter." She said as I sighed. "But if you ever break my daughter's heart." She said as her eyes flashed red. "I will hunt you down." She warned as she quickly turned to Karen. "Now let's get a log." She said. 'Ok I see where Karen got her scary side.' I thought.

Luigi's POV

    I got seperated from the group and found myself wondering alone until I bumped into someone. I saw a girl with long blonde hair part of it tied up into a bun, and beautiful blue eyes that remind me of the ocean. She was wearing a green dress and she was looking for something. "Sorry I didn't look where I was going." I said. "It's fine." She said as she grabbed a hat. "There it is." She said as she put it on and it covered her ears which I thought were pointed. We reached the house and she smiled. "I guess we never introduced ourselves. I'm Opaline but I prefer to go by Opal." She said. "I'm Luigi." I said. "Huh my best friend mentioned someone named Luigi." She said as I opened the door for her. "Thank you." She said walking in. "Auntie Opal!" Suzu yelled as she ran to the girl. "Little one!" Opal said picking up Suzu. "Opal." I saw Karen. "Ah Karen your here?" Opal said putting down Suzu. "Yeah Suzu wanted to get a log." Karen said. "And I don't blame her. Mother and father absolutely love the logs so they sent me to get them." Opal said. "They should leave the castle more often and get it themselves." Karen said. "You know that they are being judged by the people for sister's behavior." Opal said. "It's not their fault. I mean you and Odile are the living proof." Karen said. "Wait she is realted to that mad woman?" Mario asked. "She's my eldest sister. But she's still in Prison and then be sent to a ward so she can't cause any more damage and danger to others and herself." Opal said. "Hot cocoa in the living room!" I heard Amber yell. We all went to the living room and I saw Amber give Karen a bottle. "Your collection Karen. After everything I feel like you need that." She said. "Thank you mom." Karen said. "You make wine here too?" Mario asked. "Special wine. Currently have 3 collections. 1 for me, 1 for Ruby, and 1 for Karen." She said. "Wow." Peach said as I saw Suzu had fallen asleep between Karen and Bowser. "Suzu must trust you a lot Bowser." Amber said. "Mom." Karen said. "Sorry honey." Amber said. "So Opal." She looked at me. "What do you like doing?" I asked her. "Well recently I'm trying to figure out how to supply water for the fields. Because the well dried up. So I'm trying to find a river or a lake so that way water can be diverted to the fields." Opal said. "Or you could learn weather magic." Karen said as she drew a ring and a small ball of light appeared. "Tried that remember snow in the bedroom." She said. "Oh yeah." Karen said. "But that was 6 years ago. I think your magic had more time to grow." Amber said.

Time Skip.

Karen's POV

    We were now back at Bowser's castle and Bowser was carrying Suzu to her room because I was carrying the log. I smiled seeing Suzu so relaxed and calm with Bowser. I sat at the couch in the living room Bowser had. I looked at the bottle mom gave me and I sighed. "I'll drink this when I get home." I said as Bowser came in. "Your mom is scary." He said. "Yeah but she loves my sister myself, and Suzu." I said as I put my head on his arm. "Your doing great." He said as I smiled. "I don't know what to wish for this year." I said. "You'll figure it out." He said. I sighed.

Time Skip.

     It was soon Christmas and now Bowser, myself. Suzu, Peach, Mario, Luigi, and Opal were at Bowser's castle around the tree. Suzu opened her gift and it was a colored pencil case. "So many colors." She said. "You said you were almost out so we all pitched in to get you that." I said. "I love it!" She said. "Huh so Suzu enjoys coloring." Bowser said. "But she doesn't like using crayons, and paints she isn't comfortable with. Yet colored pencils she loves." I said. "Ah and Suzu this is from me." Opal said as she gave Suzu a box. Suzu opened it and it was a little bell. "A bell?" She asked. "It's made of special material. In my hometown a bell is given to the child to symbolize beginning." Opal said. The door opened and it was Ruby! "Auntie Ruby?" Suzu said. "Ruby." I said as she held a box to me. "Merry Christmas Ruby." She said as I held a box to her. We took the boxes and I opened mine to see a red that transitions to orange ribbon, while Ruby opens hers to show a ribbon to tie to her sword. "A red ribbon?" She asked. "It means strength." I said. "Thank you." She said as she tied the ribbon around her sword hilt. "And my ribbon?" I asked unsure. "It braids into your hair." Ruby said as she took my hair out of it's ponytail and started braiding it.

Bowser's POV

    I smiled seeing Karen having her hair braided by her sister. The ribbon blended well into her hair as Ruby finished the braid. "That ribbon was crafted with a phoenix feather and your familiar helped so your magic especially fire magic will be more powerful but use less of your aura." Ruby said. "Same with your ribbon except the thing I used was crushed up dragon skales." Karen. "Karen!" Ruby said hugging Karen. "Your the best sister!" Ruby said crying. "I'm your only sister. Also twin." Karen said. "Twins?" Peach asked. I looked at them and yeah they look identical except their eyes. It's mirrored with their eyes, and the fact Ruby carrys a sword, while Karen has no weapon, and their necklaces. A small red gem broken in haft. "Yeah. Ruby and I are twins." She said. I looked at Suzu who was talking to Opal. 'This has been a great Christmas' I thought. "Oh we need to burn the log." Suzu said. "Ah first everyone has to put a wish in it." Karen said. "I wonder what colors that log will be this year with so many wishes." Opal said. The log was passed around and we all put a wish in it and Karen put the log in the fire place. The first color was a scarlet red color. "Karen's." Ruby said. The flame changed color to ruby red. "Ruby." Karen said. Then to white. "Suzu." Opal ssid. Then to leaf green. "Opal." Suzu said. 'It changes color to the person's wish.' I thought. It then turned bright green. "Luigi.' Karen. It changed to red again. "Mario." Suzu said. Then pink. "Peach?" Luigi asked. "Correct." Karen said. Then it turned orange. "Yours." Karen said to me. "How did it do that?" I asked. "Not even we know. I know my mom when she burned her log it would a beautiful sunset color. My mom said she would put both hers and her love's wish into the log." Karen said. "Yeah mom always looked sad though." Ruby said. "Being seperated from your love for 25 years has that effect." Karen said. "Yeah we never met them and our bad grandparents prevented them from being with mom when she got pregnant with us." Ruby said. "But they are now casted out and living in a retirment home." Karen said. "How old is your mom?" I asked. "She's 44 years old." Karen said." And your 25. Which means she was 19 when she had you." I said. "Wow not just brawns he also has brains." Ruby said. "She was 19 when she got pregnant with us, but she turned 20 when we were born." Karen said. "Oh." I said. "Also Ruby." Karen said as she bonked her sister on the head. "Be nice to my partner." She said. "Just say boyfriend." Ruby said. "Well." I saw Karen blushing and she just looked so cute. "Aw baby sis is shy." Ruby said as a sword manifested in Karens hand. "Say that again." She said as Ruby sighed. "Sorry." She said. The two smiled as they laughed.

Never mess with a mother. (Bowser x oc)Where stories live. Discover now