The Kingdom.

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Karin's POV

       Mario and I reached the Mushroom Kingdom and we were following Toad while everyone was looking at us. "This man's brother and this woman's daughter are doing to die!" Toad yelled. "Please don't say that Toad."  I said nicely. "Just trying to clear a path." Toad said as we got on a moving platform that took us up. I helped Mario climb up one then we had to cross floating bricks. I crossed them easily. "I'm wearing heeled boots and survived Mario." I said. "Just up this pipe and we are there." Toad said. I got in the pipe after Toad and stayed close behind him. We were waiting for Mario so I was cleaning my glasses. "Woah you have two different eye colors!" Toad said. "Yeah I know it's hard to tell with my glasses on but I am near sighted so I can't see things far away. I explained. "How old if your daughter?" He asked. "She's 7." I said. "That's young." He said. "Yeah but I'm not going to back down. Not until I get Suzu back." I said.

     Mario finally appeared and we headed to the castle doors only to be stopped by two Toads. I kneeled to their height. "We need to see your princess. His brother and my daughter are in the Dark Lands. Please let us in." I said. "She's in another castle." One Toad said but got hit in the shoulder by another one. "Come with us." The toad said. "Thank you so much." I said. We were walking in the castle the toads were looking at us so I gave them a kind smile and they relaxed. We reached a pair of doors and a young woman with blonde hair wearing a nice pink dress walked through the doors. "Are you the princess?" I asked her. She nodded. "Princess. I am Mario, and this is Karen. We need your help." Mario said. "Are you two human?" She asked. We both nodded. "How did you two end up here?" She asked. "We found this pipe and now my little brother Luigi and her daughter, who is just a kid, ended up in the Dark Lands." Mario said. "Then it's only a matter of time until they are captured by Bowser." The princess said as I was biting my nails in stress. "Suzu." I whispered. "But you two are in luck. I'm on my way to stop him." She said. "Good. When do we leave?" I asked. "This guy's a lunatic, a psycho." She said. "I dated one of those. He can't be worse than my ex." I said. "He'll eat you both." She said. "Princess." I said. "Peach." She said. "Peach,  I am going to the Dark Lands with or without you to save my daughter." I said. "Ok let's see what you both are made of." She said.

       We went outside and I saw a large block  rise out of the water. "Suzu would love this." I said. "Is that your daughter's name?" She asked. "Yeah." I said. "If you can clear this course then you can come. Watch and learn." She said as she took off. She was doing an amazing job and she is like a warrior princess. 'Your taking a break from girls Karen!' I thought internally. "How did you do that?" Mario asked as Peach explained Power ups she hit the block and Mario got a mushroom. I hit one and got a flower that was on fire. Mario became bigger and I had a fire ball in my hand. Mario decided to go first and he failed. "My turn." I said as I channeled the fire into wings and took off. I scorched the metal plants, the big bullet like things, and punched the Bowser cut out in the face. I grabbed the pole and landed on the ground. "Woah I never saw anyone use the Fire Flower like that." She said. 'Oh shoot!' I thought. "Ummm maybe beginners luck." I said. I had Peach gently hit me to get rid of the Power up as Mario had to eat another mushroom and he went to do the course again. "Where did you learn to do things like that?" She asked as a toad brought us food and drinks while Mario was doing the course. "My mom. She had my sister Ruby and I take self defense classes, martial arts, and a lot of everything so we could protect ourselves. I hoped to get my daughter into some of those classes so she could protect herself. I love my daughter, and I want to make sure she can protect herself when she needs to." I explained.

     Mario has been trying to go through the course all night so Peach fell asleep. A toad brought a pillow and blanket so I tucked the Princess in and put her crown next to her. "Not tired?" Mario asked. "I can't sleep. Not until I know my daughter is safe." I said grabbing my locket but it was gone! "It must've fallen off." I said as I got sad. The locket was given to me last month and it had a photo of my mom, sister, my daughter, and I. A family photo with my zodiac symbol Leo carved into it. It was morning and Mario almost completed it but the metal plant got him and I saw Peach was awake. "Well we have a long journey a head of us." Peach said.

Suzu's POV

    I stayed close to Mr. Luigi as we were being taken to a big balloon. "Suzu is this yours? One of our Parakoopas found it?" Kent asked as he held mama's locket. "Mama's locket." I said as I gently took it and held it close. "That is good. It means she is here." He said. "Mama." I said smiling. "Hey I bet your mom is looking for you right now." Luigi said. "Yeah and so is your big brother." I said.

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