On the road.

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Karen's POV

       Peach, Mario, and I left the kingdom with the original Toad as we walked to the Kong Kingdom. "What's the Kong Kingdom like Peach?" I asked. "It's a jungle like kingdom with the Kongs who make in carts and bikes." Peach said. "A jungle kingdom. Oh Suzu would love that." I said. We walked a long way. Through a beach, mountains, a bridge with big fish jumping over until one got stuck so I helped them but gently tossing them in the direction they were going too.

(Here's what would've happened if Suzu appeared in this scene. I wanted to write this even though Suzu and Luigi are still with the Shy Guys. But just enjoy this.)

Normal POV

      Bowser was playing his piano singing about Peach until it was disturbed by Kamek. "Sire." Kamek said as Bowser almost growled if it wasn't for the little human girl who was sleeping on the chair next to him using his leg as a pillow. "What?" He asked. "Reports from our spies. Two humans, one a girl with long red hair, and a man with a mushtach have showed up in the Mushroom kingdom." Kamek said as Suzu shifted and opened her eyes. "Sorry Suzu did we wake you?" Bowser asked the small child. "Mommy says I'm a light sleeper." She said. "The Princess has been training the man. The woman got it on the first try. Turning the Fire flower into wings. Even that red hair was on fire." Kamek said. "Red hair, like this?" Suzu opens the locket and shows Kamek. "Yes that woman with the heterchomia." He said. "That's my mommy!" Suzu said witth joy as she hugged Bowser and he hugged her back. "Kamek sit. Jam with me." Bowser said as he started playing a tune and Kamek played a few notes. "Now your turn Suzu." Bowser said as Suzu copied Kamek. "Hey you have a good talent." He said. "Mommy plays with her bell cittern? I think that's what she calls it. I love music like mommy does." Suzu said. Kamek and Bowser were talking while Suzu was just focused on playing the keys of the piano until Bowser picked her up and slammed the piano's keybord cobbard on Kamek's hands. "Ouchie." Suzu said as Bowser left carrying Suzu who was looking over his shoulder. "Find out who he is and bring Suzu's mother here unharmed." Bowser said. "But you didn't say please." Suzu said. "Please." Bowser said. "On it sire." Kamek said.

(Now back to cannon.)

Karen's POV

    We stopped for the night at a tree in a fire flower field and I had my head on my knees just thinking about Suzu. "Thinking about your family?" Peach asked us. "Yeah I've never been away from Luigi." Mario said. "I've been away a few times from Suzu but I always made sure she was with my family to watch her." I said. "Don't worry we're going to save him." Pewch said touching the Fire Flower and her dress. "Woah beautiful." I said as Peach got the fire started. Peach and Mario talked about Peach how she was found, adopted, and how she became their princess. "There's a huge universe out there with a lot of galaxies. She said. "Yeah there is." I said as they looked at me. "Wait did you come from here too?" Mario asked. "No." I said as I pointed at the sky. "Wow a shooting star!" I said as they looked so I quickly climbed up the tree and pretended to be asleep.

Kent's POV

    Suzu fell asleep so I carried her on my back while the man was being dragged. We reached the throne room and I had to wake Suzu up.

Bowser's POV

     The two humans were placed in front of me one a man in green, and the other a small child with gray eyes holding a locket. "Leave them to me." I said. The Shy Guys moved away but not the Dry Bones. "Mr. Kent, can he help me find my mommy?" The little girl asked. "Possibly Suzu." The Dry Bones said. The little girl smiled as Kamek used his magic but it didn't effect the girl. I saw the locket absorbed his magic. 'So the little girl is protected by magic.' I thought. "Mr. Luigi!" The little girl said with worry. "It's fine Suzu. I'll be fine." Luigi said. "Suzu?" I asked. "It means Bell. Mommy named me after the new years bell. Which was when she found me and saved me." She said. "There's two humans traveling with my fiance. One a woman with red hair, and a man with a mustach." I said. "Does she look like this?" The little girl asked opening her locket. "The woman with her hair up. That's her." Kamek said. "Mommy." Suzu said. I tried to get Luigi to talk but he wouldn't talk even after I pulled out a piece of his mustach but I got hit with a red ball of fire. "Who did that?!" I yelled as I saw a large lion in front of Suzu and she was scared. The lion roared and I backed down. "Leo." The little girl said. The lion nuzzled her. "Get him out of my sight but the girl stays." I said as the guards took Luigi while Suzu was clinging to the lion. "Any harm comes to this child and I will end you." The lion said as Suzu yawned. "Rest young one." He said as he went into the locket.

Suzu's POV

     The man walked towards me but I moved away in fear. "I'm sorry you had to see that." He said. "You hurt Mr Luigi and took him away." I said. "I just wanted to know the people who are traveling with my fiance are." He said. "Mr Mario, who is Mr Luigi's brother, and my mommy Karen." I said. "Not your dad?" He asked. "I don't have a papa. Mommy found me and she raised me." I said. "Orphan?" The wizard turtle said. I nodded. "Kamek get her a room. She's possibly tired from her trip here." The big turtle said. "Of course sire. Come on." The wizard called Kamek said and I followed him.

Bowser's POV

     'An orphan. That little girl only has her mother. Well maybe if I reunite Suzu with her mother Peach will like me more. Though that photo her mom doesn't look bad. I mean heterochromia looks unique and her soft red hair color looks gorgeous. No wait Bowser stop! You are marrying Peach end of story!' I thought.

Never mess with a mother. (Bowser x oc)Where stories live. Discover now